Principal's Report

Term 1, Week 3

Dear St FX families, 


Welcome back for the 2025 school year! 

It was fantastic to see all our students again after a long holiday break.  A special welcome to all our new families joining the St FX community in 2025. The new Kindergarten children have done outstandingly well for their first day of big school and will be running the place before we know it!


We also have a number of new staff in 2025. Welcome to Mrs Karlee Hatton (Assistant Principal), Miss Lucy Suttor (Leader of Pedagogy), Miss Lucy Geddes (3/4G) and Miss Erica Maslen (5/6M) to the St FX community.


Our staff have gathered together for two days of Professional Development, some of which involved our guest speaker Mr Rod Whelan from the Armidale Catholic Schools Office who provided insights and support around the Living Well and Learning Well framework. 


This Thursday we are hosting our school Swimming Carnival at the Narrabri Aquatic Centre for students turning 8 or older this year. All students K-6 are invited to wear their sports uniform on Thursday this week and their regular summer uniform on Friday. Students attending the carnival are permitted to wear a coloured shirt to represent their sporting house. Parents are welcome to spectate at the carnival. Please feel free to join us at the pool to cheer and spectate our swimmers!


Uniform Guidelines

We encourage students to demonstrate a strong sense of pride and responsibility through their presentation of the school uniform. This includes wearing the correct uniform at all times in a neat and tidy manner. Parents can help us achieve this by using the following guidelines:

● The School Hat with emblem must be worn by all students at all times during all outside activities. This is in line with our Sun Protection Policy and ensures we continue to be a Sun Safe School.

● Hair that is longer than shoulder length (boys and girls) must be tied back at all times with green, gold or natural coloured hair ties, ribbons or scrunchies.

● Nail polish and false nails are not permitted.

● Jewellery is not permitted with the exception of a watch, medical bracelet, a necklace with a small cross or crucifix and plain studs or sleeper earrings - maximum of two per ear (girls only).

● In the event of needing to wear an alternate uniform, parents and carers must provide a note explaining the circumstances to the school.

● The St Francis Xavier’s school uniform should be clean and ironed and must be worn with pride at all times.


On a personal note, thank you for the warm welcome to my new position as Principal of the St FX family! It is a great honour to lead such an amazing school which is made up of such supportive families and their beautiful children. Please feel free to come and introduce yourself or say hello - I will be out the front of the school most mornings and afternoons and always free for a chat. 


I would also like to thank the staff for their dedication and preparation during the break, working to ensure every student began their school year in a calm classroom. I assure you that every classroom has begun with happy and respectful learners.


 All the best for the start of the school year!


May God bless you,

 Mrs Michelle O’Connor
