Year One News

Year One Team: Joanna (Leader), Libby (Leading Teacher), Jess S, Laura, Linda, Michelle & Monica

Term 3 in Grade 1

Welcome back!


Half way through the year and still so many exciting things to learn for our grade ones. It was lovely to catch up with many families at the end of Semester One to talk about your child.  We hope everyone had a relaxing break. We continue to provide a rich and inclusive learning environment to our Grade One students providing opportunities to learn in different ways. Thank you to our parent helpers who will be joining us again to lend a hand in the classroom. 



Students will continue to engage with the Little Learners Love Literacy Program. They will learn how to identify sounds and syllables through blending and manipulating new decodable words they are introduced to, each week. Students will also learn how to implement these new words into their writing and spelling. During writing sessions, students will learn how to form a range of sentences such as writing statements and questions, including using conjunctions to add more details to their sentences. Students will continue to build upon their understanding of structuring sentences correctly by using capital letters, punctuation and finger spaces correctly. We will explore some different forms of poetry and their structures, including interesting vocabulary to use.



This term, students will be learning about multiplication and division. They will be exposed to vocabulary such as sharing, groups of, repeated addition and repeated subtraction, while using concrete materials to support their understanding. Students will learn the measurement concept of length, where they will explore informal and some formal measurement of different objects. They will explore time duration and look at analogue and digital clocks, naming their features. Our maths lessons reference real life experiences to help students' understand how this can be applied in their own lives. Furthermore, they will also recap and learn about how to read graphs using words such as most or least popular.



We are excited to be bringing students a wonderful History unit: 'Then and Now'. This unit will cover everything from our Indigenous culture looking at significant events of our Australian history, with rich conversations and activities. We will also focus on the history of the Olympics, family life, school life, technology and transport. Through our ‘All Day Historical Incursion’ later in the term, students will be immersed in the experience of attending school as though they were back in the olden days. Students will rotate throughout various activities such as writing with a nib and ink, outdoor games, and craft. Students will create their own wooden peg dolls, cook for themselves and play traditional olden day games such as marbles, quoits, elastics and more outside. Students will be transported back to an era where children “should be seen and not heard” and experience the many rules and formalities of everyday life. 


Social Skills (Berry Street, Respectful Relationships and Consent Education)

Students will continue to explore Body Consent, Body Autonomy and identify problem solving strategies for social situations as taught in Social Skills sessions. We will continue to begin the day with our Welcome Circles, to give students the best start to the day. Students have enjoyed engaging in brain breaks and teachers will continue to expose students to various strategies throughout the day to allow students to de-escalate and even escalate their mood. Furthermore, students will continue to learn through collaboration in order to develop positive coping skills, build resilience and recognise the importance of following our School Values to create a harmonious learning environment. 


We look forward to working with all students and families this term.


Kind regards,

Joanna, Jess, Laura, Libby, Linda, Michelle & Monica