TheirCare News

Our first week of term went way too quickly, how are we already half-way through week 2. This week we thought it would be very cool to make our theme of the week ‘Olympics’. With the upcoming Olympics, we thought it would be great to start introducing what the Olympics is, what happens, some key symbols, and of course, playing lots of the Olympic games and sports. This week's craft activities have been very popular with children loving making their own gold medals, and even making their own Olympic fire torches. We love seeing how popular the arts and crafts is getting in the afternoon with so many children eager to participate. Of course, like every other week football, soccer, basketball and tennis are still very popular and it has been great to see older children including and teaching younger children how to play. 

This week Angie and Ashleigh introduced Bingo Tuesday, where the children are all invited to play bingo before attending school on Tuesday morning for the chance to win a prize! So far it has been very popular and of course very competitive amongst the children. Pancake Wednesday was a massive hit yesterday with over 20 children enjoying hot yummy pancakes before heading to school. On Wednesday we also celebrated Ashleigh’s birthday. All the children loved singing and enjoying a little bit of cake together, it was very special and a great way to celebrate. We are very excited to announce that starting next week our preps that attend TheirCare will be walking to TheirCare by themselves when the bell rings at 3:20pm like all other students. We have seen a massive improvement and maturity in our preps and believe this is the next step for them. Although this is very exciting, we completely understand that some preps may still be anxious and worried about coming to TheirCare and of course, if needed we will pick them up if parents have concerns or worries. We are very excited for our preps and can’t wait for them to take on this next step of independence. 


This week’s Pupil of the Week is Jeremy Quach for showing kindness to others and for always doing the right thing and including other children Well done, Jeremy! You should be so proud of yourself. 😊 For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat, please come and visit us in Emu Corner in the morning and afternoon. Alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will be happy to help you.😊


TheirCare Team

Angie, Ashleigh, Lezley, Suzanna, Damian, Charlotte & Zayneb


Contact Details: 

Service Phone: 0487 004 072 

Service Email: 

Head Office: 1300 072 410