Year Six News

Year Six Team: Marco (Leader), Kieran, Marshal & Mikala 

Term 3 in Grade 6 

This term continues to be a bustling and productive one for the Grade 6 Department. 


Term Topic

Our term topic will focus on Business and Economics. Students will develop an understanding of why people work, budgets, what a consumer is, goods and services and the difference between needs and wants. Later this term, Grade 6 students will participate in a free workshop from Talk Money with Ecstra Foundation that is designed to help students learn money lessons for life, to be confident talking about money and to make informed financial decisions.



During Term 3, students will explore reading and writing various informational and persuasive texts. They will continue to develop various comprehension skills such as summarising and synthesising, questioning and critical thinking. Through this process they will apply their comprehension skills to reading for knowledge. Reading activities will also be linked to the term’s unit focus of economics as well as a class novel where students will analyse the novel Rivet Boy. 



The main areas that will be covered this term include multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages, chance, and financial literacy. Essential Assessment numeracy tasks will be set for your child which cater to individual areas of need. In addition, students will continue to work in their Scaffolding Numeracy targeted groups on Mondays. We will also continue to revisit many mathematical concepts in the Daily Review.



Homework has commenced this week. Students are expected to read for a daily minimum of 40 minutes and to record one weekly reading task from the grid provided to them on Google Classroom. Students are also to complete one set Essential Assessment numeracy task. Please set aside some quiet time for your child to complete the homework.


Interschool Sport 

Trials for summer interschool sports for our Grade 6s will commence this term in basketball, newcomb, cricket and bat tennis with interschool sport commencing for these sports during the fourth term. Athletics is also a focus this term, with the Grade 4-6 FWPS Athletics Carnival taking place on August 7th, with the Interschool Carnival to be held two weeks later on August 22nd.



In the next few weeks, we encourage payment for those students attending the Grade 6 Camp. The date of camp is November 25th until November 27th (Term 4). The camp this year will be held at Log Cabin in Ballarat. A reminder to please hand in your child’s camp medical form and full payment by the end of this term. Full payment is due 4th August. The medical form is due back 24th July.


We also ask for students to please bring in a box of tissues for use in the classroom this term.


Grade 6 Team

Marco, Mikala, Marshal, Kieran