Year Four News

Year Four Team: Medha (Leader), Anthea, Caitlyn & Monica

Term 3 in Grade 4

Dear Grade 4 Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Term 3! We trust you all had a relaxing and enjoyable break. We're excited to be back together and dive into a new term of learning and discovery with your child.


Literacy Blocks

In Reading, our focus for this term revolves around the poem, Mulga Bill’s Bicycle by Banjo Patterson. This poem, as well as a non-fiction science-based text, will be the focus of our Literacy Blocks. Students will work through new and unfamiliar vocabulary, and apply comprehension strategies to gain a deeper understanding of the texts, whilst connecting to our science unit of work.


As part of our writing curriculum, students will create narrative texts with a focus on planning and developing their stories through the Write 2 Learn, Learn to Write model of creating texts. Students will continue to incorporate the structured approach of The Writing Revolution, developing their writing skills by learning to enhance and expand sentences through literary devices, adverbial phrases and compound sentences.


In Spelling sessions, our focus will be on Suffixes, Prefixes and Short-Vowel Rules. Our Daily Review sessions will continue to provide regular opportunities for students to revisit and reinforce these concepts, solidifying their learning.



This term in Numeracy, students will extend their knowledge of Place Value to decimal numbers up to hundredths and apply their knowledge of fractions to count by multiples of quarters, halves and thirds, including mixed numerals. Students will continue to strengthen their understanding of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) by focusing on written algorithms and problem-solving through worded problems. They will work on developing fluency up to 10 times tables. For measurement and geometry, students will measure and compare the area of shapes and classify the interior angles of a range of shapes. Through Numeracy Daily Review, students will continue to strengthen recall and memory, building fluency in mathematical concepts.


Units of Work

In Term Three, the focus will be on Chemical Science. This unit will delve into the fascinating world of matter, exploring how its physical properties like solid, liquid, and gaseous states affect how we use materials every day. Students will gain a deeper understanding of these properties and how they interact with heat and energy transfer, ultimately connecting their learnings to the world around them.



Homework will start in Week 2 and will be posted in the Google Classroom. Students will be able to access the homework slideshow and record their work using their Google account.


Homework for Year Four students consists of:

  • 20 minutes of reading, 5 nights a week
  • Practising two maths concepts of their choice through Essential Assessment

Important Dates this Term:

  • Monday, 29th of July - Friday, 2nd of August: Year 3 & 4 Intensive Swimming Program
  • Monday, 5th of August - Tuesday 6th of August: Year 3 & 4 Intensive Swimming Program
  • Wednesday, 7th of August: School Athletics Carnival (Years 4-6)
  • Thursday, 8th of August - Friday 9th of August: Year 3 & 4 Intensive Swimming Program
  • Friday, 23rd of August: Book Week Celebration Day - Parade & Activities
  • Tuesday, 17th of September: Kids Share Open Afternoon - 3:30pm - 4:15pm

Anthea, Caitlyn and Medha

Year 4 Team