Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Zola PACFor being a great listener in class and for always trying her personal best. Well done!
Ruben PAKFor making a wonderful start to Term 4 and returning to school with an enthusiastic attitude. Keep it up!
Monty PBDFor consistently using a growth mindset and demonstrating a positive attitude in everything you do. Keep up the great work!
Beatrix PLBFor taking responsibility over her learning, and independently writing a fantastic piece about her holidays!
Mary  1JSFor showing resilience and applying her personal best to all of her learning. Keep up the wonderful work, Mary!
Noah 1JMFor showing greater responsibility when working on tasks, especially in reading groups. A wonderful effort, Noah!
Oscar 1LEFor improvement in writing. The effort you have applied to your work is to be commended.
Ivy 1LLFor your thoughtful nature and the kindness you always show towards your classmates. Keep it up, Ivy!
Blake 1MMFor showing persistence and resilience to improve your letter formation. Keep up the great effort!
Phoebe 2BLFor her enthusiastic attitude to learning and always being a respectful class member. Phoebe, you are a champion! 
Julian 2CWFor returning to Term Four with a positive and enthusiastic attitude. Keep it up, Julian!
Maisie 2DKFor her consistent effort in all her learning, especially when showing her working out in maths. 
Hamish 2MMFor demonstrating responsibility towards his learning and always showing his personal best. Well done, Hamish.
Vera 2TFFor the personal best effort she has shown in maths this week. Well done on a great start to Term 4, Vera!
Arlo 3KTFor demonstrating responsibility in his readiness for learning. Excellent work, Arlo!
Amelie 3MPFor showing responsibility and helping others with their learning. You're a superstar!
Panayiota 3TMFor always following the school values. Thank you for setting an excellent example to the rest of the class!
Taylor 3TNFor participating in discussions about our class novel during the reading session. Well done, Taylor.
Leni 4AFFor always being an enthusiastic learner. Keep it up, Leni!
Alex 4CMFor the effort that you have been applying to improve your listening skills. Keep it up, Alex!
Zane 4MKFor being a responsible learner and for your consistent effort in all class activities.
Owen  5LWFor displaying responsibility during our class game. You went out of your way to help set up every round. Well done, Owen!
Lucy 5HTFor showing resilience when starting at a new school. Congratulations on your wonderful start! Keep up the great work!
Adi 5RCFor demonstrating school values and completing each task to a high standard. Great work, Adi!
Remy 5TCFor listening respectfully to the teacher and other students and always doing his best. Keep up the great work!
Lawrence 6KRFor demonstrating respect by always applying himself to his work and listening attentively to others. Terrific!
Eva 6MAFor having such an industrious attitude towards the completion of her work. Amazing job, Eva!
Dione 6MIFor being so flexible during our seat swap at the start of term. Your resilience in various situations doesn't go unnoticed! 
Jason 6MPFor seeking support with your work more regularly. Amazing job, Jason. Keep it up!
Zoe in 4AFPrincipals' AwardFor her generous assistance during the board games club this week. We love your responsibility! Thank you, Zoe.
Marlo in 4MKTheirCareFor demonstrating amazing sportsmanship during the holiday program, and making sure each child gets a turn. Well done Marlo!
Hugo in 1LLSpecialist AwardFor working well with his group in Physical Education. You made everyone feel like they belonged!