TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends!
Welcome to Week 1 of Term 4.
Can you believe it? We’re in Term 4 already and we only have another 11 weeks together and it’s the new year! Before Term 4 started we of course had two weeks of amazing holiday program fun. In the first week, the amount of fun we had was enormous. During the first week, we had yummy honeybee fruit salad, fun new exciting games like bee-in-the-garden, also a cool new hula hoop incursion. Not only did we have all those fun things in the first week, but we also went and saw the new ‘Wild Robot’ movie at Sunshine which was a big hit among the kids. The fun continued into the second week when we went to our all-time favourite Bounce and Luna Park!! The children always love Bounce as they were able to show their new tricks and for our gymnastics crazy kids, they can show us how it’s done. Luna Park was a hit and was better than the last time with most groups going on over 4 rides. We saw children face their fears and have seen others comfort children when rides may have been scary. Not only did we have the two excursions in the second week, but we also had the slime incursion which created a lot of mess to Ash’s dismay, but it was indeed a lot of fun, and each child got keep their slime kit. Numbers were low over the two weeks which showed just how many families were able to get away and spend amazing quality time together. Nevertheless, we all had two weeks of fun over the school holidays at TheirCare!
This week’s theme is New Term, New Fun! We had a quiet Monday afternoon with only 34 children in attendance and had a massive number of over 70 children for both Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. We started the week playing with bubbles, Monopoly games, soccer, blocked soccer, and even basketball. We also created a bookmark, and a freestyle craft activity in which we used the mosaic to create anything that the children liked. Also, on Wednesday morning children got the chance to cook pancakes for breakfast, which they were very excited by – they were under supervision by one of the TheirCare staff as they did it.
This week’s Pupil of the Week is Marlo Hellier for demonstrating amazing sportsmanship during the holiday program and making sure each child gets a turn and doing so with positivity. Well done Marlo!! You should be very proud of yourself.
Ashleigh will be away the rest of this week and the following 4 weeks as she completes her very last teaching placement. We wish her all the best!
TC Tucker will be returning next week to give us and the children some time to relax back into term life. We would like to encourage all families to submit any recipes they would like us to try and make.
For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat, please come visit us in Emu Corner in the morning or afternoon. Alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will be happy to help you.
TheirCare Team
Angie, Ashleigh, Lian, Marie, Charlotte, Suzanna & Zayneb
Contact Details:
Service Phone: 0487 004 072
Service Email:
Head Office: 1300 072 410