Performing Arts 

Ms. Nerida Newell       
















When I Grow Up” – The MUSICAL.    by EPMUSIC 

​WOW! WOW! WOW! SUCH TALENT!!!!!!!​I'm finding it so hard to express how incredibly proud I am of the outstanding performances our students gave on not only Friday's Midday show, but especially Friday night!  The Choir/Chorus were WONDERFUL and after a midday show and athletics day (for our 1/2 students), they must have been exhausted! What a super effort! The Backstage Crew - we had some dramas, but you were all so cool and calm under pressure (unlike me!!). I couldn't have asked for a better Crew- THANK YOU! Mr Jeremy Cass- I would never have been able to do the sound, music and power-point without your expertise and countless hours of unpaid work! Legend! CAST: I have no words. That's a lie- I have a million words!!!! Incredible, phenomenal, outstanding, miraculous, astonishing, impressive, awesome, astounding, unbelievable, entertaining, captivating, hilarious, fabulous.... I could go on and on! You were ALL SUPER STARS! I feel absolutely privileged to have spent so much time with you all at rehearsals and watching your confidence grow! I couldn't have done this with anyone else! THANK YOU for being REMARKABLE!!! Yes, there were tears of pride! Congratulations to each and every one of you! I don't think we could've squeezed one more person into the audience!

We finally had a chance to perform it again for the grade's prep/1/2/3 in the hall! They absolutely loved it and wanted autographs from all the members of the cast!!!! So cute!! Special mentions to Gemma Brook, Hazel Armstrong, Stella Smith and Ebony McGillivray for learning and performing new lead roles (with a weeks' notice) as some of our casts were on holidays. Outstanding efforts! 

I hope you look back on this Musical in years to come with fond memories and a huge sense of pride and achievement! 

Please invite me to your future Plays and Musicals- I'll be there!!!!!-Mrs Nerida Newell   







Please go to the Bundoora Primary School Facebook page to see our AMAZING rock band perform at this year’s School of Rock! Our next performances are:

Wednesday, Oct 16th, Music Festival (Previously Big Night Out), 6:30-9pm

Saturday, Oct 19th, MUSIC LAND (CODA)- 12-2pm (exact time to be confirmed)




Wednesday, Oct 16th, Music Festival (Previously Big Night Out), 6:30-9pm

Sunday, Nov 17th, Malahang Festival 11:20am (meet at 11am)

  • A note/permission forms have been sent home for these, please return them by Friday.