Grade 3

3A Ms. Susan Winter

3B Ms. Janine Ceola

Education Support: Anastasia Dimartino,  Kim Fong 


The highlight in Grade Three this term has definitely been the outstanding efforts from the students with their Australian Special Features projects for Discovery. Students should all be so proud of their efforts. Some facts we learnt:


  • Uluru is 248 Ryder Bs tall!
  • Mount Kosciuszko is Australia’s tallest mountain at 2,228 m above sea level. That’s more than 2km!
  • The Great Barrier Reef has over 1500 species of fish and some of the deadliest ocean animals in the world like the box jellyfish.
  • The 12 Apostles off the coast of Victoria are between 10-20 million years old. And there aren’t 12 of them!

It was hard to decide what was the best special feature in Australia but with most students selecting to do their project on the Great Barrier Reef, it was declared the winner!


In Writing, students have been practising how to start their writing in a way to hook in their reader. These short bursts of writing have produced some excellent bold beginnings or sizzling starts. It definitely makes the reader want to read more…

“It hit the building!  Ahhhhhh!” the people said.    Josh

“Good night, buddy.” “Good night, Dad”.  BOOF.  The door was shut, and I drifted off into the dream world.  Taylor

I was playing with Addie, my pet, then CRASH! BANG! “Oh no, not another thunderstorm!” I spoke.  I huddled with Addie and then CREAK!  Zara

Our most recent Maths topic has been Shape. We have been making 3D objects which were quite tricky, especially for some shapes in particular. Not only was this a lesson in how 3D objects are made, but it was also a great learning experience in the value of perseverance and patience. Congratulations to all the students who gave it a go!