Principal's Report

      Principal: Sherrin Strathairn - Ms. Strath

Assistant Principal:  Julie Dunn - Ms. Dunn

Business Manager:  Ankit Dhingra

Office Manager:  Jodie Russell

First Aid/ Admin: Susie Hull

What an amazing term we’ve had at Bundoora Primary School!


Congratulations to our students, staff and community who have been involved in successful activities and events this term.


When I Grow Up

I was privileged to attend the year 5/6 production of “When I Grow Up” on the 16th of August. I was blown away by the talent in our school and the dedication portrayed by students and staff. The production was joyous and vibrant with outstanding singing and acting and a wonderful backstage crew.

Thank you to Mrs Newell, Mrs Allibon, and Mr Cass for their work with the students over many long weeks, including weekends and holidays.


District Athletics

Congratulations to our students who attended District Athletics on August 28th. We sent a team of approximately 40 athletes to represent our school on an extremely wild and windy day. Our team represented us beautifully, displaying good sportsmanship and our school values to the rest of the schools and families present. 

Fifteen students received ribbons on the day, ranging from 1st to 3rd, helping us to achieve an overall placing of fourth. This is a fantastic effort considering the size of our school. We also received the trophy for Most Improved School. 

Thanks to Mr Kret for his dedication to our students and to Emily Knights and attending staff members who assisted on the day.


Banyule Division Athletics

Following on from our success at District athletics, six students represented our school at the Banyule division athletics on September 11th.

Congratulations to these students on the following results:

Kahsha S – 5th place discus

Stella S – 5th place 800 metres

Jaycob P, Cooper P, Max K, and Lou P – 5th place 4 x 100 boys 

Cooper 1st – Long Jump

Jaycob P – 1st place 100m

Cooper and Jaycob will go to the Northern Metro Region Championships on Wednesday 16th October. 


Victorian State Schools Spectacular

A small group of children from our school participated in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular on September 14th at John Cain Arena. 

This performance was the culmination of many hours of practice and brought together many talented students from Victorian State Schools. Our school had a group of approximately 25 students in the mass choir (2000 voices) as well as Aaradhana as a principal primary school singer. 

I was astonished by the talent on display at this event, with singing, dancing, acrobatics and many more skills on display. I am grateful to Mrs Newell, Mr Cass, and the many parents who helped to make it possible for our students to take part. It was a wonderful experience that they will never forget. 


All About Safety

Mrs Kate Bonazza has kindly organised a Parent and Carer session on October 9th at 6 pm for the parents of all students. 

This session will cover the following information:

  • What is protective behaviour education and why it’s important
  • Facts and research
  • Themes discussed within the program
  • What is age-appropriate sexual behaviour
  • How to respond to disclosures of abuse

I ask that you consider attending this free parent session and refrain from thinking ‘this doesn’t concern me or my child’. With access to internet comes access everything on the internet, no matter how vigilant we are as parents.

Have a safe and happy school holiday period.

Kind regards,

Sherrin Strathairn
