Middle School

Mrs Karina Dunne, Head of Middle School

Year 9 Social Dance Rehearsals

This is up and running and it is so exciting. Social events are not only a chance for our students to socialise and have fun but also an opportunity to showcase their talents on the dance floor! Practice has been going well and all reports are saying that our young men are enjoying each moment with big smiles and very chatty. We hope that some skills have been learned along the way with interacting with others, and problem-solving when the group is going one way and you and your partner are not facing the right way!


Thank you to the staff who are supervising each Monday night and ensuring that attendance has been taken. A friendly reminder that if your young man has committed to the dance lessons and is still intending to participate on the evening, that a ticket must be purchased. The details are as follows:


Date: Thursday 6 June 2024, 7pm-9pm

Dress: Students are expected to dress appropriately for this occasion without going to great expense (Dress code is semi-formal). No runners, please.


Parents/Guardians will need to arrange transport to and from St Patrick's Cathedral Hall (O’Connell Hall) on Thursday, 6 June 2024 


For those who have chosen to participate, an amount of $25 for the dance lessons, catering, and hire of the hall is required. Please sign up and organise payment by clicking on the button below. The link will be closed off by 24 May 2024 to finalise the numbers attending.  

Year 10 Future Purpose Day

On Thursday 9 May, the Year 10 team dedicated a full day to exploring the concept of purpose and how it relates to student’s lives, their communities, and their future aspirations. Purpose Day is designed to inspire, motivate, and empower our students to discover their passions, set meaningful goals, and make a positive impact in the world. This session was run in conjunction with Crazy Ideas College which provided students with tools to help with working out where they see themselves in the future in terms of employment or further studies.


The team invited accomplished former St Patrick’s College students from various employment industries to share their personal journeys and insights on finding purpose in life regarding their chosen pathways. All of the guest speakers offered valuable perspectives and advice to inspire our students when preparing for life beyond St Patrick’s College. We are very appreciative of the support of our Old Boys who were happy to return to the College and speak about their time as teenagers and how St Patrick’s helped guide and shape them to be the best version of themselves.


We hope that students now take the time to reflect on what they've learned and set personal goals for the future. We encourage students to think about how they can align their passions and interests with meaningful actions that contribute to their own growth and the well-being of others. This reflection will be imperative for subject selection decision-making in Term 3 in preparation for VCE or VM Pathway choices. 

Upcoming events: One Night of Homelessness

Our Year 10 cohort has been invited to participate in the One Night of Homelessness from 7pm on Thursday, 23 May to 7.30am on Friday, 24 May. The purpose of this evening is to learn about their impact on the world and how they can contribute to making the world a better place, starting at the community level.


The One Night of Homelessness is a challenging and at times confronting experience that will introduce your son to just some of the conditions that approximately 36,000 young people in Australia experience on any given night.


 One Night of Homelessness will consist of a range of challenges and experiences including eating a meal from a soup kitchen, sleeping with the comfort of just a blanket, exposure for a small period of time to the elements of nature, and informative sessions from outside agencies working with homeless youth daily.


We are looking forward to sharing this evening with your child. An evening that is one of both empathy and reflection. Information and parental consent information have been sent home to all parents and carers of Year 10 students.