Junior School

Mr Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

As always, I hope that your son is enjoying his experience in the Junior School. There are so many positive interactions that occur in the Junior School – whether it be in the classroom, out at recess or lunch or in our co-curricular settings – there are lots of great things happening. Personally, I’ve had the privilege of coaching one of the Year 7/8 football teams for St Patrick’s College. I speak on behalf of the other football coaches (we have four teams in the BAS competition) in saying that they boys are an absolute pleasure to work with; they are polite, respectful and great fun – it is certainly one of the highlights of the week. This is just one example of the many instances in where our boys demonstrate being fine young men.

Mothers Day Mass

It was warming to see members of the Junior School enjoy the St Patrick’s College Mother’s Day Mass and Breakfast tradition for the first time. I hope that all mothers and mother figures enjoyed the morning and had a great Mother’s Day.

Liam Duggan Academy

The five-week intensive program draws to its conclusion this week. Well done to all the students and staff that have been involved in the Liam Duggan Academy. I have received lots of positive feedback about the program and I look forward to the Year 9 and 10 students getting the same experience. There were 70 boys selected from an over 150 applications in Years 7/8. I encourage all students interested in football to apply for the program when it’s made available again.

School of Rock

Good luck to all students and staff involved in the School of Rock production. Months of hard work have been committed to the show and we are proud of the efforts that everyone has put in. A particular congratulations to the students in the Junior School for their involvement. I’ve heard the show is fantastic and look forward to attending on Friday evening. It’s great to see our Junior School students taking up opportunities in Performing Arts. I know that more is just around the corner with the Year 7-9 School production, The Lion King Jnr, later in the year.

Edmund Rice Day Fundraiser

Edmund Rice Day was a terrific school occasion and is one of the great days on the College calendar – and this year the day was complemented with beautiful weather. The Junior School students approached the day with aplomb! It was a joy to see everyone enjoying the company of one another, whether that be walking and running the walkathon course, playing downball at the lunchbreaks or supporting their peers in the St Pat’s Got Talent competition. Well done to Year 8 student Ryan Cook for winning the event for the second year in a row! The Edmund Rice Day Fundraiser is a big part of the Edmund Rice Day program. Families have received information on the fundraising details which supports Edmund Rice Community Services, Edmund Rice Foundation Australia, Edmund Rice Camps Victoria and Caritas Australia. I would like to remind the community of the importance of your son’s fundraising efforts. Our goal is to raise more than $40,000, which equates to about $40 per student, during the month of May. Good luck boys!

National Sorry Day ceremony

All Year 8 students will attend a National Sorry Day ceremony at Loreto College with Year 8 students from Loreto and Damascus College on Friday 24 May. 

National Sorry Day is held annually to remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’.

All St Patrick’s students will walk to Loreto at the end of Homeroom. We expect to be back by the start of recess. Can I please kindly remind our Year 8 families to complete the PAM permission to confirm your son’s involvement.

GRIT Award: Round 5 

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for the GRIT Award by their Homeroom Teachers this past fortnight. 

Year 7Year 8
7A – Milo Alvarado8A – Clifford Ogilvie 
7B – Jack Gerdtz 8B – Will Eeles
7C – Kiaan Kickett8C – TBC
7D – Nathan Vowels8D – Riley Kuehn
7E – Dane Lafranchi8E – Cohan Montano 
7F – Spencer Mackay & Rafter Castles8F – Henry Gilbert
7G – Taj Bowman8G – TBC
7H – Ollie Ryan8H – Ted Boyvet
7I – Kai Landt8I – Lachie Simpson 

Recognising our Junior Schoolers

Parents and caregivers, it's time to shine a spotlight on your son's achievements.

Whether it's success in the arts, sports triumphs or community contributions, we want to celebrate his accomplishments.

Please share his milestones with us and let's inspire the College community together.

Please email me tnash@stpats.vic.edu.au with your news so we can ensure our students receive the recognition they deserve!

Thanks to our Year 7 and 8 families for your support of the Junior School. I hope it has been an enjoyable experience for your son and your family so far. Please get in contact with your sons Homeroom Teacher, Year Level Coordinators or myself if you would ever like to discuss your sons involvement in the Junior School. 

Upcoming events:

School ProductionWednesday, 15 May to Saturday, 18 May
Reconciliation WeekMonday, 27 May to Friday, 31 May
SEED ProgramMonday, 27 May to Friday, 31 May
SPC Lap of the LakeFriday, 7 June
King’s Birthday Long WeekendMonday, 10 June
Year 7 & 8 Clontarf CampTuesday, 25 June and Wednesday, 26 June
Last day of Term 2Friday, 28 June

Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

Margie Dodd and Jacinta Burge, Year 7 Coordinators

Sam Cue and John Hearn, Year 8 Coordinators