Acting Deputy Principal

Ms Carol Roberts - Assistant Principal Learning Innovation

The 2024 College Musical: ‘School of Rock’

This week, a cast and crew of over 50 students took the stage for what was an auspicious occasion; the first performance of our 2024 College musical, ‘School of Rock’, took place in our brand-new Performing Arts Centre. 


As Acting Deputy Principal, it was such an honour and privilege to be able to witness this event. Performed to an audience of over 700 students from local Catholic Primary Schools, the performers dazzled and amazed all who were fortunate enough to be in attendance. With a remarkable display of talent, the cast and crew of ‘School of Rock’ inspired and entertained, leaving us all in awe of their incredible energy and exuberance! 


It was an absolute joy to see the wonder on the faces of our Primary School visitors, and equally, to see the way our performers engaged with the audience. With a combination of an extraordinary show, as well as being the first major performance on the stage of our industry-level Performing Arts Centre, it was a truly memorable experience.


I would encourage everyone to get along this week to see the show and support the Performing Arts here at the College. I would also like to congratulate all students and staff involved in this sensational musical!

The Power of Performing Arts Education

In seeing our students take to the stage, this serves as a reminder to us of the power a Performing Arts education has, to contribute to the formation of young people. As a teacher of the Performing Arts myself, I have seen firsthand the incredible way in which Performing Arts education has the potential to shape and change lives. So many times, I’ve seen how involvement in performance lifts the confidence of young people, in a way that extends well beyond the stage. 


Involvement in the Performing Arts not only leads to lifelong memories and friendships, but it also leaves an indelible mark on a young person, enabling them to embrace their own sense of self expression and creativity. So many times, I have seen how it lifts those students who perhaps might be unsure of themselves, or who are a little shy - empowering them to find their voice and grow in confidence. 


In this context, on Wednesday 5 June at 5pm, the College is holding an Instrumental Music Information Evening for Junior School students in the College’s Performing Arts Centre. I would encourage all parents of Years 7 and 8 students to go along with your son. This could well be the first step in a lifetime love of the Performing Arts! 


There are many different ensembles for students to get involved in at the College, as well as the opportunity to take up individual lessons with our talented and highly qualified Instrumental Music Instructors.


As a College, we are incredibly proud of all our Performing Arts students. We look forward to many more wonderful performances throughout the year.