Principal's report

Mr Steven O'Connor

School of Rock

School of Rock

This week we witnessed and thoroughly enjoyed our first major school production in our beautiful new Performing Arts Centre. It was so exciting to watch the cast and crew present ‘School of Rock’ with such energy, talent and joy! 


On Wednesday, we welcomed about 725 students and staff from a number of local Catholic primary schools for the final full-dress rehearsal. It was amazing to have the main auditorium full and the children's energy helped to lift the cast and crew to deliver an outstanding performance! 


Opening night on Thursday night was even more exciting with a great crowd in place for a spectacular, lively, entertaining and entirely enjoyable performance. As the show went on, it was terrific to witness the cast really get into their roles. It was a wonderful performance – well done! 


It is fantastic to see the cast led so well by our senior students. The performances of Ted Turnbull-Gent and Josh Retallick, both in Year 12, were exceptional and it is encouraging to see the talent of many younger students – George Rogers, Jordan Thompson, Riley Hayes, Henry Gilbert, Noah Young and Benny Eckel – shining through in their performances! All of this augurs well for the future at SPC. It was great to have female leads taken up so well by students from both Loreto and Ballarat and Clarendon Colleges, and we hope that this partnership will flourish in the future. 


Major school productions take an enormous amount of time and energy to rehearse and prepare to the point where it is ready to present. I congratulate all involved, but in particular, I wish to thank Ms Monique Allen (Director), Ms Samantha Bashford-Leger (Assistant Director and Choreographer), Mr Oscar Wilson (Vocal Director), Mr Matthew Pankhurst (Musical Director) and Ms Karina Dunne (Backstage Manager). 


A hearty congratulations to all SPC students in the cast and crew – you have done a wonderful job, and it was terrific to see you having so much fun and bringing so much joy to your audiences! 

Allan Government School Saving Bonus

In recent weeks the Allan Labor Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools.


This is deeply unfair. Families who choose to send their children to Catholic schools are also feeling cost of living pressures too. 


We believe the payment should be means tested for all students or apply to all students.

It should not be based on which school you attend. 


This policy punishes families for choosing to send their children to a Catholic school.

Our school, St Patrick’s College, EREA VIC Schools Ltd and the peak body, the Victorian Catholic Education Authority, are working hard to oppose this policy and we need your help. We need to show the Victorian Government that punishing families who choose a Catholic school is unacceptable.


Please consider contacting your local Member of Parliament to express your concern.

Our school’s local MPs are: 

Template letters are available to assist you with making your voice heard. Click on the links below to access a template. Thank you for your time in reading this and for advocating for your family and our school.


Clontarf Academy Football Carnival

On Thursday, 16 May the College hosted the annual Clontarf Academy Football Carnival with a number of teams travelling to the College from Clontarf Academy schools across Victoria. It was terrific to see so many talented and enthusiastic footy players here on Thursday, enjoying the opportunity to play each other on our beautiful grounds.


The work that we continue to do with our Indigenous students is very important to us as a school and I am grateful for the strong partnership we have developed with the Clontarf Foundation via our Academy, which commenced at the College at the beginning of 2023. 

National Volunteer Week: 20-26 May 2024

Next week is National Volunteer Week and the theme for 2024 is ‘Something for Everyone’. Schools, sporting clubs, charities and all sorts of organisations relay on the generous support and involvement of volunteers. 


At St Pat’s, we benefit from the generous contributions and support of many volunteers and I take this moment to acknowledge and sincerely thank our volunteers: thanks to the members of the School Advisory Council, the volunteer sports coaches who support a range of our sports each year, the Old Collegians’ Association – which does great work to support the College in so many ways, those who volunteer to assist at the College canteen regularly and those who get involved in parent support groups, such as the Rowing Support Group and the Boarding Parents’ Support Group.


A big thank you to all our volunteers. The College is enriched by your many contributions and grateful for your generous support!