Year 10 News

Term 2 Introduction

In the initial weeks of Term 2, our focus remains on strengthening relationships within our school and community. Our ongoing efforts with initiatives like Calmer Classrooms, Social Goals and Study Skills are designed to enhance student engagement both inside and outside the classroom. Additionally, we have a lineup of exciting events planned, including Elevate Education, the Leaders Ceremony, the Careers/VCE/VM Information Evening, and the upcoming Science Fair. 


The dedication of our classroom and form teachers has ensured that the Year 10 cohort has started the term on a positive note. We are confident that our commitment to fostering a supportive environment will continue, laying the groundwork for student success, including preparation for semester 1 exams.


Mr. Justin Wu,

Year 10 Pedagogy Engagement and Leading Teacher.


Term 2 School Uniforms Reminder

As the weather becomes colder during this season, a courtesy reminder that the correct clothing (Term 2 is our winter uniform) needs to be worn. P.E. uniforms should only be worn on designated sport days. Students are also expected to bring in their Ready to Learn materials to form and classes throughout the day. Our form and classroom teachers will continue to support your child by conducting regular checks to ensure your child has the necessary support.



This term will also feature information sessions regarding careers for our Year 10 cohort. This will come in the form of seminars such as the Copamate session delivered by Jo Hocking on the subject of advanced manufacturing careers.

The Year 10 cohort will be introduced to innovative industry technologies to help them better understand diverse career opportunities and their career aspirations. This will augment the study skills program and career pathways, whilst helping them make informed decisions about their work experience and subject selections for VCE/VM. The Year 10 team, in conjunction with the Career Pathways and Community and Business Academy teams, will continue to provide key dates on upcoming career events.



Starting in week 1, study skills sessions have continued in form classes. These are designed to equip students with the necessary tools to support their learning journey and prepare them for exams scheduled in June. Here are some essential exam preparation tips and skills for parents and families to engage with their child at home:

  • Readiness to Learn: Establish a morning routine and promote healthy sleeping habits to ensure readiness for learning.
  • Understanding Personal Study Habits: Help students identify their individual study preferences and determine the most effective study methods for them.
  • Time Management: Assist students to set up schedules and prioritise tasks and commitments to effectively manage their time.
  • Homework Completion: Encourage students to dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes per subject daily to homework tasks.
  • Utilizing School Diaries: Emphasize the importance of using the school diary to jot down important notes, deadlines, and create checklists for daily or weekly goals.
  • Achieving Work-Life Balance: Support students when it comes to balancing any part-time job responsibilities with their schoolwork and other commitments



To celebrate and recognise student achievement in Year 10, Student of the Week certificates have been issued weekly to 3 students by a classroom or form teacher. Students are nominated for achieving high numbers of merits, excellent attendance, completion of tasks and homework and more importantly displaying our College Values of Respect, Belonging, Growth and Understanding. 


As of week 4, the following students have been nominated for Student of the Week:


Mr. Muhammad Haaris Abaid of 10A

Miss. Rand Alrabian of 10A

Mr. Asim Ali of 10A

Mr. Khaled Al Rikabi of 10A

Miss. Isabella Di Berardino of 10B 

Mr. Dilan Baykan of 10B

Miss. Amanda Dawood of 10B

Mr. Daniel Hyland of 10D

Mr. Denis Kiselev of 10D

Mr. Joshua Schaumkel of 10F

Mr. Mahir Yusuf of 10H


GPA Term 2 2024

GPA results have been released and made accessible to all students and their families. The Year 10 team would like to celebrate the success and growth of our students, particularly those who have shown significant improvement. We encourage parents and families to reach out to their child’s form teacher if they wish to discuss feedback or express any concerns regarding GPAs, especially pertaining to both core and elective subjects. Similarly, we encourage students to communicate with their subject teachers regarding their academic progress.