Year 8 News

Our Achievements

The Year 8 cohort settled in well during Term 1. They have adjusted to their new learning space and are beginning to build relationships with some of the new staff members appointed to the Year 8 team.


The students have focused on their readiness to learn, with particular emphasis on being prepared physically for learning. It was great to see many students arriving to class with their tools for learning (books, charged laptops, and a stocked pencil case) each session.


In the final weeks of Term 1, the Year 8s participated in a competition to see which form group could gain the greatest number of merits in their attempt to be most ready to learn. 

This required a collective approach to sustain the required skills of efficiency and organisation. We were very pleased to award 8D with the highest number of merits achieved in this area. They have set a fantastic example for the remainder of the cohort. 8D were awarded a pizza lunch in week 2.


Our Next Steps

Students will continue to make readiness to learn a priority in Term 2, with the aim of sustaining positive work habits through their physical preparedness for class. However, this will also extend into their psychological and emotional readiness to learn.


Classes will be exploring the concept of a Social Goal to identify key areas within the class that require improvement according to the College’s positive behaviour matrix. Staff and students will collectively identify an area that requires improvement and then devise a goal.  Everyone will be accountable for working in a manner that reflects personal and collective positive achievement. This will set the tone and work standard at the commencement of each session and encourage students to be responsible.


Social goals will encompass College values and our positive Behaviour Matrix principles of Respect, Understanding, Belonging and Growth. This will encourage students to develop skills in aspects of behaviour such as, respectful turn-taking (respect), willingness to be challenged (growth), being accepting of others and their opportunities to learn (belonging) and supporting others to take a turn to share their knowledge (understanding).


We have introduced a Year 8 student briefing on Tuesday mornings during form group. We are meeting together collectively as a cohort to discuss our priorities for the week, celebrate and highlight our achievements and to remind students of key information and dates. It is highly important that your child attends this briefing each week.


Learning Showcase: Careers – Selecting Electives.

At our recent Year 8 assembly, students were very fortunate to have Ms. Neill (CSC Lead Teacher for Pathways) address them. Ms Neill provided a short briefing about the up-and-coming process for elective selections for Year 9 in 2025 and explained the subjects on offer, ranging from various sciences, arts, sports and technology subjects to name a few.

Ms Neill highlighted that students will be experiencing an Elective Taster Day later this term and a Discovery Day in week 3 of Term 3. The students were very keen to hear about their options for 2025 and they asked many clarifying questions. More information regarding elective selections for 2025 will be available in the coming weeks.


Year 8 English – ‘REVIEW ME’

Term 2 in English promises to be very exciting! The students will critically analyse and constructively create written reviews across various mediums. Students will begin by deconstructing reviews written on subjects such as, food, stories, songs, short films, and the like so they can dissect their elements and underlying messages. They will learn to discern the nuances of flavour, texture, and appearance of tasty food, explore the positive and negatives of narrative structure, musical compositions, lyrics and so forth.


Armed with analytical skills, the students will constructively critique and synthesize their insights into reviews that will captivate, inform and replicate the structure of a formal text. Students will learn about evaluative language and its importance in convincing an audience of the value of products and services. Ask your child about their recent taste testing experience of Mars Bars versus Titan Bars (Aldi comparative brand) and have them explain which product they believe to be worthwhile and why.


Year 8 Values Awards

Congratulations to the following students who were successful in receiving a Year 8 Value Award. These students are great examples of our College and were celebrated for their efforts in the year so far.

Important Reminders


Tools for Learning

Please ensure that your child has a fully stocked pencil case (various coloured pens, coloured pencils, scissors and glue) to be successful this term.  It is also important that students are coming to school with their laptops fully charged each day.



The colder weather is now upon us, and it is important that students are dressing appropriately to stay warm whilst still meeting College uniform requirements. The recommended outer garment is the College shell jacket; however, students can also wear the College windcheater, or long-sleeved polo.  Students are not permitted to wear hoodies of any colour and will be asked to remove this item of clothing as it is not part of our school uniform policy. Please ensure you are encouraging students to wear the winter uniform items stipulated below.



School Attendance

As the colder months approach, illness can become more of an issue.  It is important that your child takes time to recover if this is the case.  However, it is equally important that students are not missing days at school unnecessarily. According to the Victorian Government, “Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education.” and “There is no safe number of days for missing school.  Each day a student misses puts the behind.” It is imperative that, unless your child is sick or has a medical appointment, they attend school.  If for any reason your child is absent, please update this information on your child’s COMPASS portal and explain the reason for the absence. 



Also, please ensure that your child has tissues packed in their bag during winter.


Academic Achievement (GROWTH)

The second cycle of GPA results have been released and can be accessed via Compass.  Students have had the opportunity to reflect on last term’s results and set constructive goals.  We wish them all the best for the next round of results


Year 8 Key Dates



Wednesday 5th June – The Academy of Interactive Entertainment Guest Speaker

Monday 10th June - King’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 14th June – Curriculum Day


References: Attendance and missing school | (