Year 6 Open Day & Information Night

Early this term, CSC held the Grade 6 Open Day. We had 400 students from local primary schools who were eager to experience what secondary school is all about. When they arrived, students were welcomed with some great performances by our talented music students. The day provided a chance for these students to get a firsthand look at our school environment and meet teachers or students who work and study here.


A huge shout out to all the Year 7 helpers who volunteered their time to help show the Grade 6 students around the school. By welcoming prospective students with care and enthusiasm, they were able to create a lasting impression that hopefully resonates with our visitors and reinforces the sense of belonging that is integral to our educational community.

A special thanks to four of our Year 7 leaders who spoke of their experiences as new high school students in 2024.


* At the open day Jackson Crljen and Beau Johns addressed 400 Grade 6 students and their teachers, detailing their experiences starting high school and why CSC is such a great place to learn.


* The following night, Annabella Mitropoulos and Arfa Masood spoke to parents and primary school students at the information night to offer genui insights into their experiences and provide a firsthand account of life at the school. Their authenticity resonated deeply with parents who were seeking to understand what their child's day-to-day experience will be like.