KLA Feature - Creative Arts

Our Creative Arts students have had a number of wonderful experiences this term with excursions to the Australian Museum,  Sydney Opera House and the Seymour Centre. These opportunities provide our students with inspiration, insight and knowledge into exemplar pieces that reflect HSC standards. We look forward to taking our Year 12 Visual Arts students to the Art Gallery of NSW next week to view Artexpress.


Visual Design Excursion - On Wednesday, February 19th, Year 10 Visual Design students visited the Australian Museum in Sydney. The objective of the visit was to explore the museum's various exhibition spaces, where students photographed specimens from the permanent collections. These images and experiences will serve as the foundation for the unit "Exit through the Gift Shop."

For this unit, students will design a unique object that could be sold in the museum's gift shop, inspired by their research and firsthand exploration of the museum's collections. This project offers an exciting opportunity for students to blend artistic design with cultural and historical inspiration, creating products that reflect their creative interpretations of the exhibits they encountered.


Music Encore Excursion - Our HSC Music class enjoyed a concert of exemplary 2024 HSC performances at the Sydney Opera House last Monday 24 February when they attended the annual Encore concert. They were joined by senior high school students from all over the State that enjoyed a variety of musical performances and compositions in the enormous Concert hall of the Sydney Opera House. Our students gained a great insight through their participation in this event, inspiring them to choose exciting and challenging repertoire for their own HSC program later this year.


Drama Onstage Excursion - Last week, Year 11 and Year 12 travelled to the Seymour Centre for an evening of theatre. This was an invaluable experience for senior Drama students, as it gave them an understanding of the standard of exemplary performances required for the Drama HSC. Year 12 specifically uses this experience to assist them with the development of their Individual Project.




Recently, Year 11 and Year 12 have had another amazing opportunity to develop their skills in performance, stage presence and character development, with the assistance of Ms Willett, an experienced actor, who has agreed to support Year 12 with their performances. Both year groups attended a workshop with Ms Willett last week, where she provided them with new strategies for embodying a character, improving their skills in improvisation and developing new techniques for remembering lines. We are extremely grateful for Ms Willett's support and look forward to seeing her work with Year 11 and Year 12 in the future. 


Ms Belinda Pranjic

Leader of Learning Creative Arts