School Wide Positive Behaviour Support 

Welcome to the page in the Newsletter where we celebrate student success. 


What are we looking for?

We are looking for students who are demonstrating our school values. These behaviours are all listed in our Naranga School Expectations Matrix. 

The Naranga School Expectations Matrix
The Naranga School Expectations Matrix

^Click the matrix above for a closer look.

*Wyatt (JJAC): being a learner

*Jason (JNUN): being respectful

*Lucas (JNUN): being respectful

*Bodhi (JMAS): being a responsible learner

This week’s friendship cup goes to 

Dylan Wilson, Letticia, Axel, Ben and Xavier Tiller. These students were practicing their long jump in the sandpit. They were taking turns, offering encouragement and displaying cooperation and friendship. 

This week’s friendship cup goes to Nedzad and Dominic. They have found a shared compatibility celebrating their European families and playing together.

Naranga School has been part of the Aussie of the Month Program for over 10 years! Want to learn a little bit more about what an 'Aussie of the Month' award mean. Watch the clip below.