Dear Parents/Carers and Students
Curriculum Day (student Free) + Best Fest 3.00-6.30pm
See BEST FEST information HERE
All Year 9 and 10 students are required to participate in Semester 2 exams for English, Maths and Science on Wednesday 20 November and Thursday 21 November.
Students will only be required to attend school for their exams as per the below schedule and should ensure to arrive at least 15 minutes before their exam starts.
Exam sessions and room locations will also appear on Compass in the lead up to the exams. If you have any questions, please contact the Year Level Leaders directly or via the Middle School email middleschool@fhs.vic.edu.au
At home, students can be supported by implementing the following recommendations:
- Providing a quiet study space at home free from distractions
- Encouraging your child to eat well and get plenty of sleep
- Encouraging students to limit social engagements around exam time, including their use of social media. Students should focus solely on their studies, without distraction from social media.
Students will participate in an exam information session prior to exams to go over all important information and PowerPoint resources from these sessions can be provided to parents/carers via compass.
Early Commencement
Students will transition to the next year level from Monday 25 November:
- Years 7-10 2025 Early Commencement ends on Monday 9 December.
- Years 11-12 2025 Early Commencement ends on Friday 29 November.
- All students are expected to attend early commencement.
There will be no timetabled classes after early commencement.
Uniform Expectations
During Term 4, the Winter or Summer uniform can be worn until Melbourne Cup Day. Summer uniform must only be worn after Melbourne Cup Day. Students must not wear a combination of summer and winter uniforms, e.g. winter tights cannot be worn with summer dress.
A friendly reminder that students must follow the Uniform Policy and not wear jewellery (only one small ear piercing and a watch) and the length of summer dresses must be appropriate for school, with the length no shorter than top of knee.
Middle School students are expected to attend school each day and attend classes on time with a fully charged laptop and materials for class. Student absences must be recorded in Compass.
Please see our School Expectations here
Ms Leah Hannas
Campus Principal
Looking ahead
Included below is a list of key days that could use useful for Years 9 and 10 families.