Wellbeing & Inclusion News

The Child Safety and Wellbeing Team
At Footscray West Primary School we take pride in:
- creating a positive school culture that is fair and respectful
- building a safe and supportive school environment
- expecting positive, supportive and respectful relationships that value diversity
- promoting pro-social values and behaviours
- encouraging student participation and student voice
- proactively engaging with parents/carers
- implementing preventative and early intervention approaches
- responding to individual students
- acknowledging the achievements of students, parents, and staff
We engage with a diverse range of organisations that support our students, staff and parents. Our efforts are focused on many aspects of wellbeing, including the development of whole school programs, student attendance, social-emotional support and we provide interim measures prior to families accessing individual counselling or specialised help. We also manage the program for students with disabilities (Disability Inclusion).
2024 is an exciting year where all of our staff and students are beginning to implement the comprehensive and highly regarded Berry Street Education Model to complement the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and Consent lessons that further promote inclusion.
Underpinning this are our new school values of Belonging, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. More to come about these!
The school employs a part time School Wellbeing Officer part time to support students. Sarah is able to provide a stop gap service whilst families await external supports. Access to school counselling is triaged at the weekly Wellbeing Meeting and students may be waitlisted.
We strongly believe all students should be provided with opportunities to attend extracurricular events like camps and excursions. Unfortunately for some of our community, costs can be somewhat prohibitive. If you are in a position to make even a small contribution to the One in All in fund, this can be done by contacting the school office. This fund allows as to provide further opportunities for students. If you are needing financial assistance for your child to attend a camp or excursion, please contact one of the Wellbeing Team and we will discuss the process with you.
Together the Child Safety and Wellbeing Team are our Child Safety Champions!
For 2024 these people are:
- Brendan Millar (Principal)
- Liz Beasley (Assistant Principal)
- Carolyn Lockie (Assistant Principal)
- Lisa Peterson (Wellbeing Learning Specialist)
- Towela Sinkonde (Wellbeing Learning Specialist)
- Karri Barker (Disability Inclusion Leading Teacher) returning in Term Two
- Sarah McEwen (School Wellbeing Officer)