From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Friends of Mazenod College


“…what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)


The start of any term, following a period of holiday rest and relaxation is always a joyous time. Schools are inherently places of joy and no more so than at the start of the term when the campus comes alive with youthful energy, excitement and the noise of boys “verbally” and sometimes physically, reacquainting themselves with friends. Not to mention the noise and chatter as they regale their friends of their holiday adventures.

I have had a number of recent experiences that put the terms history, tradition and heritage at the forefront of my mind and I would like to share some of those experiences and events with you.


Oblate Pilgrimage

I was very fortunate to be a pilgrim member on the inaugural Oblate Charism Pilgrimage in the last two weeks of Term 2, along with Fr Bill Ousley OMI,  Mrs Vicky Pulford, Mr Elliot Stone and Mrs Ellita De Nardi, a former parent and longstanding parishioner. It was such a privilege to walk in the footsteps of our founder, St Eugene De Mazenod, and to experience authenticity from which to gain a greater understanding and connection with St Eugene and the Oblates.

I hope that through this experience, I may share more of that Oblate charism with members of our community, not just verbally but through our interactions. I have included a written piece that expands on the pilgrimage and includes some photos of our time, written by Mr Tony Coghlan (Director De Mazenod Family Education Network).



Our nation celebrates NAIDOC Week from the 7th – 14th of July but given this occurs during the school holidays, most schools including Mazenod College chose this week to mark such an important event. We have hosted, under the direction and planning of Mrs Annamaria Cream, a range of events including an Indigenous-inspired morning tea, a masterpiece collage on canvas, our annual NAIDOC assembly and our inaugural NAIDOC Football match.


At our assembly on Wednesday, we were blessed to have Mr Trevor Stack create a smoking ceremony on entry as well as sharing an inspiring, spiritual and enthralling “Welcome to Country”. This was followed by an engaging address from Ms Liza Maguire. Both of our guests shared how impressed they were with our young MC of the assembly, Merrick L, who never ceases to impress us as the amazing young man he is. They also implored the young men of our College, in the spirit of this year’s NAIDOC theme, to “Keep the fire burning”, to set your goals and go after them—a wonderful message for all, Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal.


Later on Wednesday, we hosted Governor Stirling SHS in the first Mazenod College NAIDOC AFL match. The result doesn’t matter, it was the spirit in which the game was played and recognition by our staff, our students and the wider College community of the importance of reconciliation and NAIDOC and how in some small way, we can do our normal things to shine that light brighter. Congratulations to Lyndon C (Year 7) and Merrick L (Year 8) who entered their designs to be recreated on our inaugural Mazenod NAIDOC jersey and to Anthony C (Year 8) whose design was chosen on this occasion. Please see the photos in the newsletter of these incredible designs.

NAIDOC Week is a wonderful reminder of the need for all of us to continue to learn about, recognize and celebrate, the history of our nation and the culture of our First Nations people, the oldest living culture in the world.


Mazenod Junior Football Club

History and tradition were also on display at the 50th anniversary gala dinner of the Mazenod Junior Football Club at Optus Stadium last Friday night. Thank you to Mr Michael Ferritto (Club President and current parent) and Mrs Josie De Gasperis (Club Events Coordinator and current parent) and the committee, club members, past players, officials and parents who contribute to creating the opportunity through Australian Rules Football for our boys to represent the College in community sport. The evening was a wonderful celebration of the history and tradition of the club, and the passion and endearment of the College was clearly evident to all who attended.


We have so much to be grateful for, including our history, tradition and heritage, which we are immensely proud of. An Oblate we met on the pilgrimage shared a sentiment from a Jesuit he had encountered: “The Oblates have the best product, they just need a shop to sell it.” I believe Mazenod College is the perfect place to showcase the great charism from which we strive.


“Live the life of the family of which you are a part of” (St Eugene de Mazenod).


God bless.

Simon Harvey
