House Leader Reports

Hey Kororoit!
We’re back with more updates from the start of Term 3! We hope that term 3 is not as brutal and that you are all hanging in there 😁😰.
Although, the big three events have all concluded, we just can’t seem to stop winning!! To kick us off, we once again sat down the other houses during house chess, where we nabbed another trophy to add to the collection. So a huge thank you/congratulations to all of our very own Kororoit chess grandmasters that helped secure the win. Another recent victory was clean up cory! We saw a whole heap of us Kororoitians come together, garbage bags in hand to help clean up the environment (and more importantly earning us some more house points in the process😋!). Lets keep this win streak going!!
As you all are probably aware, leadership applications for 2025 are out for the running! Big congratulations to the new whole school and vice captains - but with that aside, there are many opportunities within whole school domains and our house program. From music, to wellbeing, anyone is capable of any role as long as you give it a go! There is not a lot to lose, and it can overall be a fun experience once you get into it. Of course, if you have any queries, don’t be afraid to ask any of the current Year 12 whole school domain leaders or our Kororoit leadership team! They only know the best of their domain 😁.
This entry is a pretty short one, but we will be back with hopefully more exciting things as the end of 2024 approaches!
Signing off,
Leyna Ha (K9) and Metheshr Ravichandar Nair (K9) 🐉
First things first, a huge thank you to everyone who participated in house chess, where we came second. To be honest, with the state of the house points right now, that’s practically first place. Also, thanks to everyone who helped clean up cory we managed to secure a solid 3rd place, the school is noticeably brighter and shinier 😉
Even though this term hasn’t been the most jam packed in terms of house events we’ve had some very memorable house assemblies which allowed us to fortify the bonds between the students and teachers in the house. Whether it be ridiculous games or other bonding moments, it’s been a joy to spend these last few weeks together as a whole house making memories that can last us for many years into the future.
BOTH school captains next year are Rothwellians! On behalf of all of Rothwell, a huge congrats to Rhianna and Jayesh! Rothwell domination!!
On a similar note, applications for 2025 leadership positions are in full swing, and if you’re interested in any of the house domain positions, don’t hesitate to shoot us an email or meet us in person, we don’t bite! (Other than Aksh, sometimes). Jokes aside, trust me, being student leadership is so rewarding, and really fun. Just give it a shot then whatever happens happens.
Until next time,
Malakai and Anjali 🦅💥
We are now half way through term 3, and don’t have much more of the year left! To the year 12’s, our last few weeks of school are now, so don’t forget that while exams are coming up, always make sure to have time to spend with your friends and make the most out of your time here at this school - you won’t ever get this time back. Year 11’s, your first 3/4 exams are coming up, so while stress is inevitable, make the most out of this time so that your memories aren’t just filled with stress andrr worry. Year 9’s and 10’s, your main worry is probably going to be the exams at the end of this term. The main message here is that while this is that time where basically all subjects are really ramping and wrapping up, don’t forget to always have time for yourself.
The main events coming up this term are House Drama and House Debating. House Debating will be happening in Week 7, and House Drama is coming up in Week 8. Your fellow house members have been working very hard for these events, so make sure to come along and support your house! However, House Drama isn’t the only major event happening in Week 8. On the Monday, during house assembly, will be the speeches for your 2025 House and Vice captains, as well as your SRC’s! While it does mean that our spectacular House Leadership team will soon be stepping down, it opens the floor to the rest of you. Plus, we’re not done just yet! Presentation night is in week 1 of next term, so we stil have the rehearsals for that running. Plus, the Year 12’s chosen song for the medley will soon be announced, so you’ll soon know which songs you will need to learn for that night.
With the finish line so tangibly close, make sure to not lose sight of your goals or those you hold close, while not giving up on either. Your physical and mental health are both very crucial, and these next few weeks will really push you hard. So make sure to focus on yourself both academically and personally.
So whether you’re looking ahead towards a leadership role for next year or if you’re just trying to make it through the battering waves of this one, We believe in all of you. Good luck everyone!
Yours truly,
Khathab Sheefer (C5) and Lilliana Carroll (C4) 🦚💚
Hi Blackwood!!
Term 3 is flying by and there’s SO MUCH going on! So, let’s break it down🤸and get updates from our leaders:
“House Drama rehearsals are well underway and our fantastic Blackwood Knights are working hard to put on the best performance we can! We are super excited to put on a show for all you and hope that we can make Blackwood proud! Come down to the auditorium during Week 8 to watch the lunchtime performances (dates to be confirmed) and even the matinee performance of September 5th!” - Your Arts Captain, Siya Gauri Singh
“WHAT A TERM IT HAS BEEN. I am super proud of everyone in Blackwood for all their participation. Whether its GBA or Soccer or even the beginning of Senior Sport Netball. In all of those sports, everyone's scared to face us! We have so many people and so many willing participants and its paying off. Every Sport event we win brings us one step closer towards the house cup, when we won both soccer and GBA we received about 50 points from that (WOAH.)
There's only around a term left of sport so please if you haven't yet been involved, take part! It’s a good experience with all your friends and to show other houses who’s boss, especially if you love sport as much as I do. Hopefully we can continue to get as much participation as we can for Netball and GBA as we have been receiving for the rest of the year, not long to go! Continue to get involved and have fun with the upcoming sport events. Let’s go Blackwood!!!” - Your Sports Captain, Sam Pai
“As per usual, we've had quite a successful time with our weekly homegroup competitions, which the other houses have followed suit and are now also taking part in. Congrats to B9 for winning last term; it was a very close battle throughout the entire term and I’m sure you enjoyed that pizza party! To kick off this term we started with a ‘Guess the teacher based on their baby photos’ competition, (there were a few difficult ones in there!), and a ‘Real or fake Olympic flag Blooket!!
As it’s still the middle of the term, there is no clear winner yet - it’s still anyone’s game. Homegroups, better step up your game if you want that pizza party!” - Your House Vice Captain, Michelangelo Pranowo
“House Drama rehearsals are well underway and our fantastic Blackwood Knights are working hard to put on the best performance we can! We are super excited to put on a show for all you and hope that we can make Blackwood proud! Come down to the auditorium during Week 8 to watch the lunchtime performances (dates to be confirmed) and even the matinee performance of September 5th!” - Your Arts Captain, Siya Gauri Singh.
There is so much happening so make sure you check the Instagram to stay up to date!! Keep up the amazing work blackwood! And make sure to ask for some values cards ;)
Lots of Love, Your Blackwood Leadership Team.