Message from the Principal

Karen Harris
As we reach the end of Term 3, we move into the important period of final assessment and practice examinations for our Year 12 students. Staff actively support these students during this busy time, with final examinations beginning in week 3 of Term 4.
We also continue to plan for 2024, with students entering Middle and Senior School submitting all-important subject choices, and we look forward to Term 4 events, junior production, and celebrations.
Chess Tournament
It was fabulous to host another Chess Tournament this year, with so many students keen to be involved. Read the article - All the Right Moves in this issue.
The 2023 Senior Masterchef Challenge ran earlier this term with great success.
These events continue to grow in popularity, competition gets stronger every year, and this year we can thank our community partner, The Que Club, for elevating the competition to new heights.
Fabio and Pam from the Que Club acted as judges at the competition, and were very supportive and encouraging of our student competitors. It is great to be able to collaborate with local professionals and to see the impact that it has in the classroom - enhancing and enriching learning experiences for our students. For their part, the students not only brought great dishes to the table, they delivered on creativity and enthusiasm as well. Read more about the Senior Masterchef Challenge in this issue.
Brunswick Secondary college hosted the Impro Melbourne Schools Challenge earlier this term.
Well done to both our Intermediate and Senior teams and congratulations to the Senior team who earned first place in the senior competition!
Theatresports has gone from strength to strength at BSC over recent years, providing an avenue of rigourous challenge and competition to students interested in the Performing Arts. Just like other competitions, our teams work up a sweat and play to win!
Year 7 2024 Enrolments
Our Year 7 intake for 2024 has been restricted to in-zone and siblings only, and is still easily filling eight classes. The Department of Education (DET) have restricted our enrolments as BSC is currently over its capacity of 1050, and DET would like the school to work toward this target.
Pathways & Possibilities
I strongly encourage students in Years 9 to 12, parents and carers to consider the extensive information around tertiary pathways included in this issue of the Brunswick Star. There are many opportunities for students to investigate course and campus options, and this investigation really supports student learning pathway decisions going forward. Further to this, information around free workshops and employment opportunities allows students to develop their personal and academic skills in preparation for the future.
Finally, import information and dates regarding the Victorian Tertiary Admissions process, Special Consideration applications, scholarship and placement offers has also been included, so that students can be familiar with requirements going forward.
Please read through this information, and if you have any questions, please contact Laura Hughes, Pathways and Possibilities Coordinator.
Parents’ Association
I am in awe of the efforts of the members of the Parents Association who organised and ran the Trivia Night this term. Raising $21000 was an outstanding achievement! I will be holding a thank you morning or afternoon tea early next term to thank the many parents who are showing such great commitment to our Second-hand Uniform Sales, Breakfast Club, Grants and Fundraising efforts and the leadership of the Parents’ Association. As always, we encourage all parents to lend a hand where possible, as this is a fabulous opportunity to make a tangible contribution to the school, as well as to promote our community spirit.
So many events have been held this term and there are some exciting ones ahead including Graduation and the Twilight Market next term.
The BSC Central Australia Tour departed at the end of Week 9 and I wish all the travellers well. We look forward to lots of photos and stories when they return.
Happy holidays
I wish you all a safe and restful break, and look forward to an exciting Term 4!