
Kate Bonazza - Primary Wellbeing officer




What we are discussing in Wellbeing! 


In sessions this term, students have been focusing on emotional literacy and personal strengths. We have been unpacking what both emotional literacy is and what our personal strengths are.

Personal strengths include- leadership, creativity, communication, problem solving, bravery, teamwork, kindness, curiosity, time management, integrity, motivation, empathy, fairness, flexibility!


Emotional Literacy 
Emotional literacy can be defined as the ability to understand ourselves and other people. It includes the ability to understand, express and manage our own emotions, build empathy, and to respond appropriately to the emotions of others. Building a large vocabulary for emotions helps to increase emotional literacy and build self-awareness and empathy for others.

Talking about how we feel helps us to understand ourselves and other people better. 

We learn how to:

  • understand our emotions
  • express how we feel
  • see things from someone else’s perspective to understand how they feel
  • respond appropriately to someone else’s emotion
Personal Strengths 

Children and young people need a vocabulary to help them recognise and understand strengths and positive qualities in themselves and others.  In Wellbeing sessions we are building our vocabulary and using it when discussing personal, social and ethical challenges.

Research in the field of positive psychology emphasises the importance of identifying and using individual strengths. Social and emotional learning programs such as the Resilience Project & Respectful Relationships use strength-based approaches that promote student wellbeing, positive behaviour and academic achievement.

What are my strengths and positive qualities? What are yours?

Focusing on strengths helps to improve students’ wellbeing, behaviour and academic achievement. 

We need to be able to talk about our strengths and positive qualities in order to understand them. We have been learning how to:

  • talk about strengths and positive qualities
  • recognise our own strengths and positive qualities
  • recognise other peoples’ strengths and positive qualities
  • focus on strengths when discussing personal, social and ethical challenges