Building Update 

Photo taken 07.02.2023.

We are almost at completion...


Our landscaping and external works are moving along; however, the oval and adjacent playground will be out of bounds for the remainder of the year. The fundraising pavers have been laid in the central area of the landscaping area and they look amazing. 

We look forward to inviting everyone to come along to see their personalised paver proudly displayed in our school grounds. 


Currently we have a number of projects that have been competed:

  • Line marking of the car park, bat tennis and the basketball courts.
  • Fencing of the oval and behind the BER
  • Laying of synthetic turf
  • New shade sails in the heart of the school
  • Concreting
  • Soil and seeding of the oval and other areas of the school. 
  • Additional draining/plumbing works
  • External and internal Painting
  • Additional bag hutches in the Learning Community. 

Still to be completed are: 

  • Electronic sign installation on Balmoral Avenue
  • Defects and minor repairs 
  • Additional bag hutches to complete the number required. 
  • Upgrade to our PA System (Public Address system)

You may have also noticed our solar panels were installed over the holidays on the Discovery Centre to support our electricity supply moving forward. 


Additional furniture and blinds have also been installed in the new Learning Community. This will be of great benefit to our year 2 students during the sleepover rescheduled for the 17th of November. 


 The asphalted staff car park is complete, excluding some final landscaping, and the automated gate is now operational.


 As mentioned previously, the oval will be out of action and fenced off until 2024 as the grass will need to be established before we let our students onto the surface. This is both for the safety of our students and the longevity of the grass. The playground near our STEM room will also be out of bounds due to damage by the cockatoos and some issues with the surface. The installers have inspected the site but are yet to get back to me with details of when the surface will be replaced.  


Although it has not been confirmed officially, it looks like we will lose one of our portables in 2024. This is due to changes in DE policy and the way they look at our enrolment numbers. How the vacant space it will create is used is yet to be determined but may include more sports courts, additional shaded seating areas etc.  


We have had over 6000 individual trees and shrubs planted and we are hoping that they will all survive. We are working hard to keep the students off the garden beds to give the pants the best chance of survival. We have also had some very enthusiastic volunteers helping with the watering of the plants. We greatly appreciate their help with this. Classes will be taking on some responsibilities for garden beds as well to ensure they are kept safe and healthy. There has been a suggestion of a WhatsApp group to assist with watering over the holidays so stay tuned for further instructions regarding this in the coming weeks.  

Newton Manor will start moving off our site as their scope works will be completed, however we will still have several late works tasks to be completed. These include murals, further landscaping works on Bendoran Crescent, concreting and some joinery in our buildings for storage. These tasks may spill into 2024 depending on availability of companies required.


We look forward to having all our wish list competed and then we can plan the grand opening of the entire site for our amazingly patient and supportive community. The opening of individual buildings has not been possible before due to COVID restrictions. At the conclusion of the project, we will celebrate all our spaces. 


 Thank you to you all for your continued patience and support of our building project. 



Julie Dunn

Assistant Principal