Grade 2
Lauren Taglieri (2A) Support: Kim Mavrogiannis, Noor Hussein, Nicole Morton
Ella Ryan (2B)
Grade 2
Lauren Taglieri (2A) Support: Kim Mavrogiannis, Noor Hussein, Nicole Morton
Ella Ryan (2B)
In Wellbeing, the Year 2 students have continued to work through the Resilience Project and Respectful Relationship modules. The main topics this term have been working together, showing gratitude for our family and closest loved ones, role playing challenging situations that may happen in the classroom or playground, recognising the emotions of others, inclusiveness, problem solving and mindfulness.
In our most recent module, students considered how they show cooperation in the playground to ensure that everyone is feeling happy, safe and included. Students were responsible for designing their own playground and to think of some rules to ensure that everyone plays cooperatively in their playground. This will tie in nicely with one of our next math's topics where we will be looking at location and learning to read/interpret maps and give directions. Check out some of our cool playground designs and let us know what you think!