
Amanda Willcocks (Prep A)              Support:  Susan Hull,

Chloe McKay (Prep B)                         Kim Mavrogiannis (Ms. Mav)                   

Sarah Lyall (Prep C)                           

Over the last few weeks the Preps have been very busy! We are excited about our upcoming excursion to the Zoo, on the 10th of November, and want to thank all of those families for offering their support on the day. We also want to say a special thankyou to those families who went above and beyond to ensure we could attend this very special excursion! 

A reminder that payment and consent is due by Wednesday, 8th of November. Please do this via Compass. 


We would also like to remind families about the graduation envelopes that were sent home in Term 3. Please ensure that you have returned this special letter back to your child’s classroom teacher for safe keeping! If you are unsure if you have already done so, or you are unsure of how to complete this please see your child’s teacher as we are more than happy to help! 


In Writing….

Our students have enjoyed innovating classic nursery rhymes. We have been looking at itsy-bitsy spider and it’s raining, it’s pouring. We have been blown away by the amazing writing our students have been able to do, and their creative ideas for different characters and settings. 

Below you will find some fantastic innovations from Eli in Prep A, Amelia in Prep B and Emma in Prep C. 




In Maths….

We recently learnt about capacity. Our students had a lot of fun experimenting with water and sand and practising their vocabulary of Full, Nearly Full, Half full, Equal, Nearly Empty and Empty. 

This week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Our students have enjoyed being able to use a range of 2D shapes to create images, and finding shapes they know around the school!