Welcome back to School!

Welcome to the new school year 2025! Currently for term 1 there are some temporary changes. Kai our long standing principal is covering at another school. As a result I am currently filling the principal role. It has been so great catching up with all the students and hearing what they've been up to over the holiday break. We will have our annual Welcome Back BBQ next Wednesday 8th of February at 5pm. Please drop in to meet your child's teacher as well as other staff. I hope to see you there. Your child will be bringing a flyer home today with more details of this event.
Student Support Group meetings are scheduled from the 17th to the 21st of February. . We want to highlight the significance of the first (SSG) of the year. It covers foundational content that will is very beneficial for your child's support and learning at school. Please be aware that it will take some time and focused effort to work through all the material. For this reason we have scheduled a curriculum day on the 19th of February. This allows for parents and guardians to have more options for SSG appointment times. You will receive information on how to book an appointment in the coming weeks.
Setting your children up for success
A positive partnership between home and school gives students the best chance for success over their school lives. There are a number of things that parents and carers can do to set up your children for a successful day of school.
- Sleep - a consistent routine that gives children enough sleep so they can be at their best.
- Healthy food habits - a good breakfast in the morning and a healthy lunch to take to school that avoids sugary snacks.
- Proper school uniform - ensure your child is in school uniform every day and include a hat for sun protection. You can find our Uniform Policy here.
Good communication is key. Please download the Sentral app for parents. This will be used to receive news and information from your child's classroom teacher. It is now also our preferred method of completing payments and permission forms for excursions. If you have any problems using the Sentral please contact the school for assistance. There will be staff at the welcome BBQ who will be available to provide assistance with access to the Sentral app.
School Council nominations
I am seeking nominations for 4 parents and community members for our School Council. There will be nomination forms for collection from the main office. The School Council meets twice a term on a Tuesday evening starting at 6pm. If you have any questions, please ring the school to discuss further with myself.
I'm very much looking forward to working with our parent and our community this year in the best interests of the children and young people who attend our school. If you are at school for any reason, my door is always open- pop in and say hello.
Shaun Bacon
Acting Principal