
Naranga Nude Food Days
As a Resource Smart School, we are very keen to reduce waste. So, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays are Nude Food days. Lunchboxes are a wonderful place to start.
What is Nude Food?
It is natural, fresh food such as fruit and vegetables, sandwiches, and baked goods that you can pack in a school lunchbox without wrapping in foil or plastic. Using small containers, a lunchbox with compartments or a reusable food bag or pouch reduces waste and provides an excellent litter free lunch. Lower Juniors just beginning the school year have some fantastic examples. Our school community is doing an excellent job each day to reduce the amount of plastic wrap in school lunches by preparing fresh food from home or emptying food from a large container into smaller compartments of a clear lunch box container.
As a class you can collect food scraps such as banana skins, apple cores and watermelon rind and recycle scraps into food scrap bin. Classes can regularly empty bins into our worm farm containers for the worms to eat and enrich the soil in our garden beds.
Schools around the country will be participating in this year’s clean-up day. Pathways students will be promoting the event and classes will have an opportunity to join in a clean-up of their yard area using long tongs and buckets. Senior students will have tongs and buckets ready during sessions 5 and 6 and assist classes. Classes can choose an area to clean. They will work as a group to collect, count, and sort rubbish items. Each class will take a photo to record the amount of rubbish collected, the area and type of rubbish collected. The clean up will only take 20 minutes. We are all responsible for keeping our school environment tidy and rubbish free because we share this environment with native wildlife.