AGPS Fete 2025

School Fete update
Wow, it’s hard to believe that we only have 6 weeks to go. How did we start planning for this in July and arrive here? Well luckily for our school, we have an awesome bunch of parents that have been working hard in the background making our fete happen and making it a spectacular event. Here’s some information you might like to know:
We have 7 new and different amusements
We’re bringing our pizza oven out of retirement
We’re most definitely going to be soaking some teachers and maybe some special guests
We have lots of grade stalls on offer, including the ever popular chocolate toss
We hear that Highway Patrol might be stopping by…
Our stage is crammed full of entertainment
There is fairy floss - enough said
We’re getting rid of Zooper Doopers and replacing them with ice cream
Bunnings, Altona Life Saving Club and AusKick are stopping by
And much much more!
Without parents/ guardian support, we can’t run the fete - it’s as simple as that. This year we need you more than ever as our fete grows bigger and better.
Please ensure you check our sign up page and help where you can - it’s a big job for 10 people to do! We just ask that you have a valid Working With Children’s check to do so.
Click on this link (and don’t think for one minute that traffic management isn’t a job for you) and sign up today.
Hot tip - sign up early as all the best spots go!
Chocolate Drive:
There wouldn’t be a fete without a chocolate toss game and in order for that to happen, the school is launching a chocolate block competition. Each grade will be competing for a top spot with the most amount of Cadburys chocolate blocks (family size, which we all know is just perfect for one person). The winning class will receive a movie afternoon with popcorn and Zooper Doopers! The competition starts on Monday 24th February with the winning class announced on Friday 28th February.
David will put more details out on Compass and See Saw next week.
Good luck everyone!
Bake Sale:
The community asked and we are delivering - we will be hosting a bake sale at the fete for the first time ever!
Details will be coming out on Compass early March and plates and bags will be sent home with the eldest child. Here’s your opportunity to try out your new school cookbook! Please note - we’re going to be nut free.
Wristbands and showbags:
We will be selling these in advance to our school community for all the rides and for our eco-friendly-ish showbags. We have gone rogue this year and created some wonderful limited showbags that are “chocced” full!
We will launch the sale towards the end of the month and will close them the week of the fete. Beat the queues and order before!
Ticket only event:
Talking of pre-event purchases, we’re delighted to announce that w/c 24th March we will be selling tickets morning during drop off and during pick up ALL WEEK.
These tickets are for the fete as this is a cashless/card event on all our stalls (except the Community Market where businesses shall be). You will be able to pay by card and cash at 3 ticket stalls at the fete and make gold coin donations there.
You will have seen a recent post from us which included a list of donations we’re seeking for the fete. If you’re able to contribute, please drop into the buckets at reception from w/c 17/2/2025.
Tomato sauce
BBQ sauce
Cans of coke
Cans of coke zero
Cans of lemonade
Cans of Fanta
Cans of Solo
Large disposable foil trays
Surface spray
J cloths
Hand sanitizer
Food handling gloves (including latex free)
Tea bags
Hot chocolate
Decorations- crepe steamers, tissue paper fans/ balls/ hanging stars/ party decor
Paper table cloths
Foil backdrops
Empty and clean plastic ice cream tubs/ large food containers (for tokens)
2x long handled pizza paddles
Facebook Page:
Did you know that we have a whole facebook page dedicated to our fete. Please ensure you’re following it to find out more details as the weeks get closer:
We thank you in advance for your support for our fete.
Kind regards,
The Fete Committee