Education that Appeals

Current staff celebrate their own children commencing in Prep

When teachers choose to send their children to the school in which they work, it is usually for more than just convenience. It is because they see value in the education which will be provided to their children.

There are 30 current staff with children enrolled in the College. A further 17 have had their children attend the College in the past, many for the full 13 years of their education.

There are also 11 past students who have become College staff, while others have come and gone in the 25 years the College has been operating. 

Next year, we welcome four young learners to Prep, who are children of current staff.


College Researcher, Mr Ben Lawless has his second child, Charlie, joining his older sister Stella (Year 4 in 2024) at Aitken. Ben has taught at Aitken for the past 11 years, and currently teaches both at the College and the University of Melbourne, as well as running his own education consultancy.

Stella's experiences encouraged Ben to send his second child to Aitken.

Stella came from a school with no drama program and in her first year had performed live in our CPA in front of over 300 people on multiple occasions.

The wide breadth of opportunities, diverse student body, strong arts and culture programs and innovative teaching practice were big selling points for Ben and his partner Stephanie when they made their decision.

But if you ask Charlie, he's just "excited about making new friends!"


Our newly appointed Head of Mathematics, Mrs Savita Hanspal also has a second child, Kiara, starting at Aitken in 2024, following on from Sarah (Year 6 in 2024). 

Already, Kiara loves that everyone knows her because of her mum. 

While only in her second year at Aitken, Savita notes "it is a school not only for academics but there are multiple opportunities for students in the field of Sports, Performing Arts and Arts as well as the STEM program including EngGirls". 

Above all else, "Aitken College has a great atmosphere of culture and inclusivity" which has been an attractive feature for Savita and her husband, Amit.


Deputy Head of Secondary (Senior School Culture), Mr Dean Taylor, has been teaching Science, Health and PE at Aitken for more than 10 years. He is also a Board Member of ACHPER (Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Sport & Recreation Teachers). His eldest daughter Alyssa is joining the College as a student in Prep next year.

Having grown up in the area himself and having worked at the College since before Alyssa was born, he and his wife Andrea saw it as the ideal choice for her because the varied curriculum and co-curricular activities will give her an opportunity to explore a range of different interests. Their second child, Jace will start Prep in 2026, followed by youngest son Jesse in 2028.




Life has come full circle for Mr David Christofas. After completing his VCE at Aitken in 2007, David joined the College as a teacher and Head of the Commerce Faculty in 2018. Now, his daughter, Jessa , will follow in his footsteps, becoming a student in 2024. She will join Lily who will be in Grade 2 in 2024.

David is fully entrenched in the life of the College, taking over from Mr John Smith as Director of Timetabling.

David’s wife Kathleen (nee Ellis) also graduated from the college in 2008. David and Kathleen see immense value in Jessa studying at the College because she will get the opportunity to be involved in learning experiences and extracurricular activities that other schools can not offer.


We look forward to welcoming Charlie, Kiara, Alyssa and Jessa along with 75 other new Preps next year. 


If you would like your child to join the College as a student, please check out the enrolment details provided later in this newsletter From the Admissions Office.