From the Admissions Office

Future Sibling Enrolments

If you haven't done so already, a reminder to families that Prep 2025 and year 7 2026 enrolment processes commence early this year (2023) so please ensure you submit an online enrolment application for incoming siblings as soon as possible to avoid missing out. Enrolment applications close on 31 May 2024.


Please ensure you submit an online enrolment application by the closing date to avoid missing out. Having a sibling at the College does not guarantee automatic enrolment so please submit an application as soon as possible.


Start your application using this link

Enrolment applications can never be too early but can be too late, so start your application by visiting today.


If your younger children haven't visited the College yet, be sure to book in a college tour by visiting our website in February to view and book dates for 2024.


Our Admissions team is ready and looking forward to receiving your enquiries and enrolment applications. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch;


TIPS for our families

1. The earlier the better, you can never be too early in submitting and enrolment


2. Keep your contact details up to date (Address, mobile and emails) so you receive all correspondence and notices from the College. 

3. Visit our College and book into a tour to see what we have to offer.  

Bookings can be made via our website.


If you have any enquiries, please contact : 

Ms Jacqui Duong, Director of Admissions – 

9333 9100 or email:




And don't forget to follow the College on Social Media.