Updates from the Office

Finalising School Fees 2023
All School fees for 2023 are due to be paid in full by Friday 1 December 2023. Please contact the office asap for any queries you have regarding fees for 2023.
School Fees 2024
Please see the below St Joseph’s School tuition fees and levies for the 2024 academic year.
The budget has been developed to minimize the impact of rising educational costs to parents as well as cover the operating costs not covered by government funding to Catholic schools.
We would like to reassure families that we want to assist you in accessing a Catholic primary education for your child/children.
If you have any concerns about your financial situation, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.
Family Tuition Fees and Student levies
The total charge per family is $1625. It is made up as follows:
Family Fee $1525
Working Bee/Maintenance Fee $100
The levies in the table below are charged per student.
Student levy structure
Curriculum Levies are charged per student and will be spent in the 2024 calendar year for the educational program for your child. As well as stationery, that your child will receive, there is a comprehensive range of curricular materials and equipment used in classrooms. All items are purchased by the school and will be delivered to the classroom for immediate use by your child when school commences.
The excursion levy includes the cost of the excursions and incursions (including the swimming and some sports programs)
| Curriculum | Excursion | Total Levies |
Prep | $240.00 | 190.00 | $430.00 |
Year 1 | $240.00 | 190.00 | $430.00 |
Year 2 | $240.00 | 190.00 | $430.00 |
Year 3 | $240.00 | 190.00 | $430.00 |
Year 4 | $240.00 | 190.00 | $430.00 |
Year 5 | $240.00 | 195.00 | $435.00 |
Year 6 | $240.00 | 195.00 | $435.00 |
Camp - School Camps for Years 3 to 6
Year 3/4 students will be attending a two day/one night camp at ADANAC on 27 & 28 March 2024. The approx cost will be $160 per student which will be confirmed in 2024. Payment for camp is required prior to attendance.
Year 5/6 Students will be attending a three-day/two night camp at Sovereign Hill on 17, 18 & 19 April 2024. The approx cost will be $350 per student which will be confirmed in 2024. Payment for camp is required prior to attendance.
All families will have their school fees and student levies billed in February 2024.
Regular fee statements will be issued by the school each term, via email, to help you keep track of what has been paid and the balance owing.
St Joseph’s also offers a range of payment methods including electronic funds transfer (EFT), direct debit, both by EFT at various frequencies – Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly to assist parents in paying their school fees.
A financial commitment plan has now been sent to all families via Operoo, where you can choose a payment plan that suits you.
Completed forms will need to be returned to the office before Friday 16 February 2024.
If you have any queries, please contact our School Office at 03 5967 1183 or office@sjyarrajunction.catholic.edu.au