News from Foundation

Procedural Writing
Over the past two weeks, we have been learning about procedural texts! We have been talking about how procedural texts have steps to follow and will have actions, ingredients or materials that are needed to do something. Last week we decided to talk about how to make fairy bread! This was pretty funny as Mrs B put the ingredients in front of her and asked the kids how to make fairy bread. They gave her steps but they weren't quite specific enough and this caused lots of funny things to happen! Once the steps were decided the kids got to make their own fairy bread! They loved it! They even made some for Mr Boyhan and Anthony!!
Colour Run
It was so fun having the colour run at school last week!! Here are some before photos!!
Inquiry- Multiculturalism
In Inquiry, we have been doing lots of learning about Multiculturalism! One of the activities the children were asked to do, was to create their own family tree to tell us about who is in their families and where they came/come from! We did this activity with the grade 1/2 students and had a chance to share them all together! We have all learnt a lot about one another!
We also talked about how everyone is different, but what makes them different is what makes them special!! We enjoyed reading Elmer the Elephant, a story about an elephant who stands out compared to the other elephants. Elmer is colourful and bright, whilst all the other elephants are the same shade of grey. The students created their own Elmer's to show off their personalities!
Make sure you are checking out what is on our See-Saw!! The kids have been posted lots of their work in class!