Year Two News

Year Two Team: Bec (Leader), Annie, Caitlin, Ella & Trang

Term 1 in Grade 2

This year we have five grade 2 classes, which are located in the Bilby and Wallaby building. Our grade 2 teachers have been busily planning and preparing for this term. Our grade twos are settling in well into their new classrooms and routines. 



In mathematics, through our Daily Review and explicit instruction, students will investigate number sequences by exploring increasing and decreasing counting patterns. They will use number charts, blocks and number lines to assist students to count by 2s, 5s and 10s. This is a task that could be rehearsed at home. Different materials will be used to explore place value, by making models as they read and record 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. Students will sort, describe and name familiar shapes, with a particular focus on identifying sides, corners and parallel lines. Months, weeks, days and hours will also be explored. Grade two students will identify features of money and order coins and notes according to their value as well as developing strategies to count a collection of coins. Using a variety of taught strategies grade two will solve problems and answer questions involving addition and subtraction. Everyday opportunities will support your child’s learning at home, for example including your child in cooking, shopping or playing number games.



The Little Learners Love Literacy program will continue in grade two with a focus on decoding, fluency and comprehension. Grade 2 students will build their reading stamina and analyse texts to answer comprehension questions. They will practise spelling words using their learned understanding of phoneme-grapheme correspondences. We will work toward developing a deeper understanding of nouns, verbs and adjectives, as well as more complex sentence structures to allow grade two to write more detailed sentences and written pieces. Throughout the term students will retell experiences from their own lives as well as creatively exploring their five senses through their Writers Notebook. Students will develop their speaking and listening skills by voicing cares, concerns and compliments. They will be encouraged to engage in group discussions by listening and contributing their ideas and opinions. At home please listen to your child read each day.  Don’t forget that the Nessy online subscription is also a great way for your child to rehearse literacy concepts taught at school. 


Units of Work

In Term One, students will spend time getting to know their peers and teachers alongside our Respectful Relationships and Berry Street program. Students will revisit the importance of showing mutual respect to one another and to resources, share their appreciations, and show attentive listening. Students will also learn the meaning of applying their personal best effort and the importance of participating in all learning tasks. 


We look forward to working with our Grade Two families!


Kind regards,

The Grade Two Team