Pupil of the Week
Award winners for this week
Pupil of the Week
Award winners for this week
Haana | 1JI | For showing determination and a growth mindset to complete her numeracy tasks. 1JI is proud of you! |
Wyatt | 1LE | For consistently following the school values and putting effort into all of your tasks. Well done. |
Elijah | 1LJ | For consistently putting in amazing effort towards all learning tasks. Keep up the great work Eli! |
Charlie | 1MM | For showing such great effort and focus during our reading group this week. Well done Charlie! |
Otis | 2AM | For always showing respect and responsibility in the classroom and for being a positive role model to your peers. Well done! |
Tahja | 2BG | For demonstrating the value of belonging and respect by being a wonderful friend and classmate. Well done Tahja! |
June | 2CW | For always setting a high standard of behaviour and demonstrating all school values. Fantastic work June! |
Sia | 2EP | For your well prepared and confidently delivered speech for the position of Environmental Representative. Congratulations Sia! |
Gabriel | 2TN | For your enthusiastic participation and effort during reading lessons. Well done Gabe! |
Elise | 3CG | For demonstrating the values of belonging and responsibility by supporting her classmates and striving for her personal best! |
Hayley | 3DM | For showing great resilience towards her work and not being afraid to make mistakes or ask for help. Awesome work! |
Caleb | 3MP | For consistently working productively and applying effort to all tasks. Keep it up, Caleb! |
Andy | 3TM | For always being ready to learn, especially during Numeracy Daily Review. Well done Andy! |
Maggie | 4CL | For showing the FWPS value of resilience during our leadership presentations and working hard in all aspects of learning. |
Zoe | 4LW | For the effort she puts into her learning. You exemplify our school values Zoe. |
Goldie | 4MK | For the consistent effort that you apply to all class activities. Well done on being a responsible member of 4MK! |
Patrick | 4TF | For his kindness and positive attitude shown during our buddy sessions. Great work, Patrick! |
Kyani | 5DW | For the effort you put into memorising your speech. You delivered it so well and should be proud of your effort! |
Aycan | 5HL | For the impressive way you improvised your speech with confidence. You're a superstar. |
Adele | 5TC | For presenting her leadership speech with enthusiasm and confidence. Well done, Adele! |
TJ | 6MA | For being a respectful and resilient learner. Keep up the awesome effort TJ! |
Henry | 6MI | For always demonstrating respect towards others and tackling tasks with a positive attitude. Well done! |
Flynn | 6ML | For consistently demonstrating the school values. You are a role model to your classmates, Flynn. Keep it up! |
Isaac in 3MP | Principal's Award | For demonstrating a marvellous level of knowledge, curiosity and awareness on our Zoo Snooze camp. Congratulations! |
June in 3DM | TheirCare Award | For being a great helper and taking the initiative to help during pack-up and set-up time. Well done June! |
Divyanga in 6ML | Specialist Award | For demonstrating respect towards peers and applying effort to all tasks. Fantastico! |