Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Haana 1JIFor showing determination and a growth mindset to complete her numeracy tasks. 1JI is proud of you!
Wyatt 1LEFor consistently following the school values and putting effort into all of your tasks. Well done.
Elijah 1LJFor consistently putting in amazing effort towards all learning tasks. Keep up the great work Eli!
Charlie 1MMFor showing such great effort and focus during our reading group this week. Well done Charlie!
Otis 2AMFor always showing respect and responsibility in the classroom and for being a positive role model to your peers. Well done!
Tahja 2BGFor demonstrating the value of belonging and respect by being a wonderful friend and classmate. Well done Tahja!
June 2CWFor always setting a high standard of behaviour and demonstrating all school values. Fantastic work June!
Sia  2EPFor your well prepared and confidently delivered speech for the position of Environmental Representative. Congratulations Sia!
Gabriel 2TNFor your enthusiastic participation and effort during reading lessons. Well done Gabe!
Elise 3CGFor demonstrating the values of belonging and responsibility by supporting her classmates and striving for her personal best! 
Hayley 3DMFor showing great resilience towards her work and not being afraid to make mistakes or ask for help. Awesome work!
Caleb 3MPFor consistently working productively and applying effort to all tasks. Keep it up, Caleb!
Andy 3TMFor always being ready to learn, especially during Numeracy Daily Review. Well done Andy!
Maggie 4CLFor showing the FWPS value of resilience during our leadership presentations and working hard in all aspects of learning.
Zoe 4LWFor the effort she puts into her learning. You exemplify our school values Zoe.
Goldie 4MKFor the consistent effort that you apply to all class activities. Well done on being a responsible member of 4MK!
Patrick 4TFFor his kindness and positive attitude shown during our buddy sessions. Great work, Patrick! 
Kyani 5DWFor the effort you put into memorising your speech. You delivered it so well and should be proud of your effort!
Aycan 5HLFor the impressive way you improvised your speech with confidence. You're a superstar.
Adele 5TCFor presenting her leadership speech with enthusiasm and confidence. Well done, Adele!
TJ 6MAFor being a respectful and resilient learner. Keep up the awesome effort TJ!
Henry 6MIFor always demonstrating respect towards others and tackling tasks with a positive attitude. Well done! 
Flynn 6MLFor consistently demonstrating the school values. You are a role model to your classmates, Flynn. Keep it up! 
Isaac in 3MPPrincipal's AwardFor demonstrating a marvellous level of knowledge, curiosity and awareness on our Zoo Snooze camp. Congratulations!
June in 3DMTheirCare AwardFor being a great helper and taking the initiative to help during pack-up and set-up time. Well done June! 
Divyanga in 6MLSpecialist AwardFor demonstrating respect towards peers and applying effort to all tasks. Fantastico!