FWPS Parents Association

From the Parents Association 

We are holding our first committee meeting of 2025 this coming Monday at 8:50am to 10:00am in the school staff room. All parents and carers are welcome. 


Grade 1 and 2 Social at West Footscray Wines 

Join us for a casual catch up to celebrate the beginning of a new school year and connect with other parents from your child’s year level. Enjoy the $10 Wednesday wine special or simply come to connect. 


We look forward to seeing grade 1 and 2 parents for our final date: 


Wednesday, 26th February from 7:00pm 

West Footscray Wines

1/578 Barkly Street, West Footscray 

Website: West Footscray Wines 


Second-Hand Uniform Shop 

We had a busy first opening of the uniform shop. Aided by our new pay wave terminal and the welcome news families can use their school bonus money too. A big thank you to parent helpers Gazel Goh and Quyen Do for their efficient clean out support; and Nerida Eftos and Andrew Howard for enabling the first shop opening.


We have two opening dates planned in March. Note the prep picnic will focus on offering prep sizes only. 


We are always seeking parents and carers to help run stalls - can't open without volunteers! 


 Sign up here if you can assist with sales: Second-Hand Uniform Shop 2025 signup sheet 


Easter Raffle Fundraiser 

Our traditional Easter raffle will be run in the final weeks of Term 1. We support the school who runs the raffle. 


The shops are already selling Easter items and we will be seeking donations for prizes in the coming weeks. 


Mother’s & Special Person’s Day Stall 

We are already preparing for this much loved event to be held in Term 2. 


Sign up here to assist with sales on the day: Mother's Day Stall 2025 signup sheet 


If you would like to get involved with these and more events throughout the year, sign up to our mailing list and you will be first to know! FWPS Parents Association 


Alternatively, reach out to us at FWPSParentsAssociation@outlook.com, see our weekly page in the newsletter or better yet - drop in to our first meeting of the year on Monday, 24 February at 8:50am in the Staff Room. All welcome.


With thanks,

Alicia and Clare

On behalf of the Footscray West Primary School Parents Association