LOTE Italian News
Italian Teachers: Federica Mancusi & Kerrie Ahrens
LOTE Italian News
Italian Teachers: Federica Mancusi & Kerrie Ahrens
Ciao FWPS Community!
This term parliamo Italiano!
The first Italian vocabulary taught focusses on greetings, colours, numbers one to ten and the names of family members.
Year 1 and 2
We are revising concepts taught last year. We are continuing to use the Italian Language Passport as we travel around Italy learning about Italian culture and basic words.
Year 3 and 4
We are revising our communication skills in Italian. We are also learning about school locations and following instructions in Italian.
Year 5 and 6
We are learning how to describe ourselves in Italian. We are also strengthening our Italian communication skills.
Parlare Italiano è bellissimo!
Happy activities/Buon Lavoro!
Kerrie & Federica
The Italian Team