Senior School

Mr Mark Robson, Head of Senior School

Head Start and the holidays

As Term 4 draws to a close and the Head Start program comes to an end, our Year 10 and Year 11 cohort for 2024 have had an opportunity to start their new VCE subjects with two weeks of Head Start. This has not been a trial run, rather the start of the new subjects allowing the boys to commence building their knowledge and skills and putting in place routines and strategies required to ensure they get their best from themselves in 2025. 


All students that are completing Unit 3/4 subjects will be getting three hours of holiday homework for each of these subjects. On Wednesday, the boys heading into Year 12 in 2025 were given some guidance around putting a plan in place to ensure they return in Term 1, 2025 with all the required work completed and ready to start their final year with us at St Patrick’s.  Any student heading into Year 11 who is completing a Unit 3/4 subject is also expected to complete the Holiday Homework that is set.  We recommend that they aim to complete this toward the end of the holidays as teachers will have set work involves reviewing new content covered in Head Start, or reviewing foundational knowledge learnt when studying the Unit 1/2 version of the subject, all in preparation for their return in Term 1.


As 2024 draws to a close, it is an opportunity for our students and our staff to reflect on the year that was and look forward to a break spent with friends and family so that we all returned refreshed and ready to go again in 2025.  From all the staff in the Senior School, I would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas, and a safe, healthy and happy new year.

Coming up:  

Friday, 6 December – Final day of Head Start

Thursday, 30 January – Year 12 Retreat

Friday, 31 January – First day of classes for Term 1


Thanks as always for the support offered by students, families and staff to all matters of the Senior School. Please never hesitate to make contact should you have a query to discuss.


Mark Robson, Head of Senior School

Liam Young and John Sullivan, Year 11 Coordinators           

Kat Ward and Shane Murphy, Year 12 Coordinators

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