CLC Presentation

Year 9 Volunteers Present In Front Of Hundreds at the PAC

Our Semester 2 C.L.C (Community Leadership Challenge) Year 9s yesterday put the icing on the cake of their Volunteering Projects, with each group presenting their achievements to our Junior School cohorts, families and special guests in the school's Performing Arts Centre.


Year 9s Lillian Hooper and Angela Keenan did a sterling job as young emcees of the important event, and Vice Principal and former C.L.C stalwart John Paola opened proceedings speaking about the importance of the C.L.C pillars of Kindness, Empathy and Community.


Fellow C.L.C student Harrison Kelly followed with a stirring solo performance on the piano and vocals of his original song “Blink Of An Eye”. It was only the 2nd time he had ever sang in front of an audience, the other being his Talent Quest audition earlier this year.


The song is on Spotify, YouTube and all streaming platforms. A powerful composition for a 15 year old, to say the least.


Listen to the song here:


Congratulations to all groups on your public speaking yesterday (for many, it was their 1st time) and for making a difference in the lives of many children, elderly, homeless and others around town over the last 6 weeks. You have truly been one of the best groups we have had come through.


It's hard to pick standouts in a strong line-up, but there were two who had to do their group's presentation by themselves due to being the only ones present. Lizzy McNair was one, who spoke with the help of Newmo and did a good job detailing the funds she's raised for a struggling Fijian family.


However Cooper Lack, after all of his 4 other group members didn't turn up, managed his talk all by himself. Cooper's maturity and bravery to confidently handle things all alone, to such an audience, is one of the greatest moments C.L.C staff have seen in their careers. What a young man he is.


Of course, Rosie Bulmer's artwork remains likely the largest highlight of the Semester, and it was sitting proudly on stage for people to witness it first hand. Her kind gesture of donating it to the elderly residents at Illoura Residential Aged Care, will be remembered for decades. Could it be the most impressive gesture of kindness in C.LC history? It would be highly likely. Rosie is yet another example of the quality of the young people we have in our ranks.


Thank you again to our important community organisations hosting our kids each Wednesday -


Appin Park Primary School

Oxley Primary School

Wangaratta Primary School

Wangaratta West Primary School


Whitfield Community Childcare Centre

Illoura Residential Aged Care

Anglicare Loaves & Fishes


Big thank you to the C.L.C staff in Michelle Wilson, Sandy "Newmo" Newman and Dale Unwin.


Particular praise should go to Michelle, who does al of the organising, paperwork and weekly food-purchasing for the kids - a power of work behind the scenes. She has ran this version of the program since it began in 2010 and along with her fellow C.L.C- Boss Andy McLean (now retired) and with the help of John Paola and Donna Lane (retired), designed this extremely powerful program which has created lifelong memories for well over a thousand of our Year 9s in that time. Thanks for everything Michelle.


If you missed the Newsletter articles over Term 4, you can read more details of the projects here:


Jud Mullins

CLC Coordinator