
Mrs Jeanean Pritchard, Head of Arts

What is good design?

As part of their VCE study into Good Design, Year 11 Visual Communication Design students undertook a contextual inquiry focusing on the functionality, aesthetics, and ease of use of three different types of juicers.


Unbeknownst to the students, the juicers they tested ranged in price, spanning from budget-friendly to high-end models. Armed with self-created assessment criteria, the students meticulously tested each juicer, aiming to uncover which one stood out as the best in terms of design.


To their surprise, the results were not what they expected. The students discovered that it isn’t always the most expensive or well-known brand that produces the best results. Their analysis revealed that some of the more affordable juicers outperformed their pricier counterparts in various aspects.


This hands-on practical experience not only deepened the students’ understanding of design principles but also highlighted the importance of objective testing and analysis, challenged their preconceptions, and answered the essential question “What is good design?”

Celebrating 130 years

Year 10 Art student Benny Eckel recently produced this large charcoal drawing to celebrate the 130th anniversary of St Patrick's College. The College notched up this significant milestone in 2023. 

Benny's artwork, which measures 650mm x 850mm, is the largest drawing he has worked on to date and took Benny about three weeks to complete.

The figures represented are based on his friends. Benny said he thoroughly enjoyed working on a large scale. Well done, Benny!