Quick bites

Keeping you informed

Special Easter Delivery

Our Faith in Action student volunteers spread some early Easter cheer to many patients and staff at Grampians Health Ballarat Base Hospital on Wednesday.  It was wonderful to see the joy on the faces of not only the patients, but our students as they delivered your generous Easter Egg donations.  A highlight for students was seeing the smiles on the faces of sick children and holding some premature babies!


We’d like to thank the members of the St Patrick’s College community who kindly donated Easter eggs - without your generosity our visit wouldn't have been made possible.  Your generous donations added up to nine boxes of chocolate which was shared around the wards.  


Mid-Semester Reports

St Patrick’s College uses the Parent Access Module (PAM) to give parents and guardians online access to the Student Assessment area. The Student Assessment area allows you to view and download your son’s Mid-Semester reports and end of semester Statement of Attainment reports. The 2024 Mid-Semester One Reports for all Years 7-12 students will be available via PAM from 4pm today (Thursday, 28 March). These reports will provide you with an insight into a range of classroom work habits for each subject studied by your son, including a general indication of his overall academic performance to-date. 


Next term, parents will have an opportunity to meet with any of their son’s teachers regarding issues identified or raised in the Mid-Semester report through the Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews that will take place on Monday, 22 April and Tuesday, 23 April from 4-7pm on each afternoon. More information and booking links will be communicated with parents shortly. 


Parents can also contact the teacher(s) via email using the teacher email link in PAM. Alternatively, parents can phone the College on 5331 1688 regarding other possible contact options.


NCCD information

Please view the attached fact sheet on the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data. This is important information for many families within our community. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the Enhanced Learning Department at the College.


Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial donation

The Trustees of the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial has generously donated 98 books to Ballarat schools, including St Patrick's College.

The Trustees commenced a campaign in 2014 recommending book tributes be placed in lieu of wreaths during significant ceremonies.

To date, more than 550 books have been donated and distributed to Ballarat schools, including St Patrick's College.

St Patrick's College thanks the Trustees of the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial for their generous donation not only this year, but during the past decade.

Class of 2019 Reunion

We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2019 to their Five-Year Reunion at Ballarat’s Lake View Hotel on Friday, 19 April from 7.30pm. Students who graduated in 2019 or were due to graduate in 2019 are invited to attend. 

Please register your attendance ASAP by clicking on this link: https://www.trybooking.com/CPAUU

No Parking 

Members of our community are asked to look out for new parking signage in Wanliss Road and on the nature strip between the front of the College and Sturt Street.

The College takes no responsibility for parking infringement notices being issued for illegal parking around the College.

Canteen volunteers needed

Do you have some free time and a willingness to help in the College Canteen? If so, we would love to hear from you!


Prior to Covid-19, we had a long list of Canteen volunteers, but unfortunately this number has dropped off significantly in recent years. 


Canteen duties include serving students, basic food preparation, handling a small amount of cash and using an EFTPOS machine. We provide support and guidance in all areas.


Volunteers require a current Working with Children Check, and need to complete a brief induction, which we assist you with once you have registered your interest.


The Canteen cannot operate without the support of volunteers and we thank you for considering joining our wonderful community.


Click here to register your interest in becoming a Canteen volunteer


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call our Canteen Manager Jo on 0447 194 218 or 5322 4481. Please note, if you are already on the Canteen volunteer list, you do not need to re-register.

Term dates

Term 2

All Students Commence:  Tuesday, 16 April

Classes Conclude: Friday, 28 June

Public Holidays: Thursday, 25 April (ANZAC Day), Monday 10 June (King’s Birthday)


Term 3           

All Students Commence: Monday, 15 July

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 19 August          

Classes Conclude: Friday, 13 September

VCE Practice Exams Monday, 16 September – Friday, 20 September


Term 4 

All Students Commence: Monday, 7 October

Boarders' Exeat: Monday, 4 November and Tuesday, 5 November (Melbourne Cup)

Classes Conclude: Tuesday, 10 December