Principal's report

Mr Steven O'Connor

End of Term 

Term 1 has been a very busy and productive term at St Patrick’s College and I thank everyone – students, staff and parents – for their tremendous efforts throughout the term. I am sure that the break ahead will provide everyone with an opportunity to catch their breath before returning for Term 2. 


There has been so many highlights this term – too many to capture in a short article for the College newsletter – but I certainly want to mention a few. I am very pleased with our Year 12 students who have commenced the year with a sense of purpose and are making positive progress across all areas of their involvement at the College. This includes their focus on and commitment to their studies and the leadership they are showing the College community. This augurs well for the rest of the year and I encourage our Year 12s to ensure that they attend to the work that has been set for them across the Easter break and return with drive and determination next term.


I have been thrilled with the start of our Year 7 students and the new students across other year levels. The term has been positive and productive for these young men and I commend them on embracing all that is on offer with open arms and with enthusiasm. 


Last week, a number of students competed at the National Rowing Championships in Sydney. To be strong enough to compete at this very high level reflects positively on all the boys, their coaches and the rowing program. Congratulations to all involved, and well done to our 1st IV who returned with two silver medals from the U19 and Schoolboys events at the Nationals! 


Last week, our senior Tennis and Volleyball teams won their respective BAS competitions – a great outcome! Well done and congratulations to these teams! 


We wish Year 12 student Ned Renfree all the very best as he travels to Germany to play in an Australian Basketball team in the Albert Schweitzer Cup. 


On Tuesday evening, 50 students and seven staff departed from Melbourne bound for Dublin, Ireland, as we commence the College’s Ireland, UK & France Football trip. This is the first time the trip has occurred since 2019 and I know that everyone is really looking forward to the sporting, cultural and historical opportunities the trip will provide. Please keep an eye out for regular updates on the trip via the College Facebook and Instagram pages. My thanks to Mr Howard Clark – SPC Coordinator of Football, and Mrs Leonie Spencer, Director of Lifestyle Travel, for their wonderful work behind the scenes to prepare this tour. 


As we finish the term, we head towards the end of the season of Lent and look forward to the hope and promise of Easter. This week is Holy Week and through our rites and traditions, we prepare for Easter at this time. 


“Easter gives us the meaning, strength and power to transform the world in which we live. Easter provides us with the horizons of hope within which we strive for the full realisation of the reign of God. In fact, the essence of Christian hope is contained in the abundant life that Jesus brought about through His death and resurrection. The whole point of the Risen Christ is our human capacity to become a new type of person who can do new things for a new heaven and a new earth.


Easter is not merely about our own salvation and the afterlife bliss. Easter is God conquering the forces of evil and darkness. Easter is God reconciling the estranged creation. It means working for the whole of creation that God created, sustains and destines for flourishing. It means that we become a place where the poor and the forgotten can be brought into a new unity; a Church that advocates life at all costs and promotes peaceful life in a war-torn and violent world; a Church that models justice in an age of greed, consumerism and power; a Church centred on the risen Christ, empowering a consciousness of the whole. 


In the words of Pope Francis, let’s pray in Easter 2024 that the risen Jesus of Nazareth: “May open us to the newness that transforms, to the beautiful surprises of God. May he help us to feel his presence as the one who is alive and at work in our midst. And may he teach us each day not to look among the dead for the Living One.”  

(Bishop Vincent Long – Bishop of Parramatta) 


Today, as pilgrims in search of hope, we cling to you, Risen Jesus. We turn our backs on death and open our hearts to you, for you are Life itself. – Pope Francis

God, may we feel the warm embrace of your love on this sacred day. May the glory of Jesus’s resurrection remind us that with You, nothing is impossible or without hope. We pray in Your name. Amen.


I pray with hope in the spirit of Easter, for all SPC families, and all in our community. Stay safe and keep well; I look forward to welcoming students back to Term 2 on Tuesday, 16 April.