Principal's Post

Dear Families,
Short week's are often busier than the full five days.
Last Thursday quite a number of our St James parents were at Flemington to cheer on their horse to third place in The Oaks. Congratulations to all involved!
Josh Crowe, our Maths Leader and myself attended a briefing with MACS explaining the benefits and commitment we have made by registering in a Maths initiative for 2024 called TIMS: Teaching Impact for Mathematics Education. This initiative commences with a focus on Prep - Year Two learning and then expands to include other levels within the school. Josh will keep our community up to date via the newsletter next year.
Friday commenced with Mass in the Reynolds Community Centre with our Year Five students.
I drove our Year 5/6 girls Cricket Blast team with their coach Mrs Sarah Plunkett to Mullum Mullum Reserve where they competed in the Regional finals. The girls played so well with high level skills, sensational sportsmanship and finished third place overall. While they did not progress on to the state finals, this was a marvellous effort. Thanks must also go to Craig Brooks who was there to support and guide the girls in their two previous days of competition as well.
The day also provided an opportunity for our Prep to Year Two students to showcase some of their Artwork from this semester.
Friday afternoon saw us all gather in the Community centre for a reverent and meaningful Remembrance Day Prayer Service lead by our Year Four students. This was followed by a student led congratulations and farewell ceremony to our four pregnant teachers who will be commencing their maternity leave from this Friday onwards.
Jess Moffatt finishes up for the year this Friday as she commences her maternity leave. Jess has been our Learning Diversity Leader for the past five years and has had a huge impact on many students learning, social and emotional development. In this role Jess has been a great leader to staff in catering for our students' needs. Jess has also been a wonderful support and resource to many parents providing a listening ear, timely advice and educational resources.
Best wishes Jess in this next special phase of your life. We look forward to welcoming you back in the years to come.
Friday also saw us go into a lockdown.
I sent home communication on Friday afternoon but for some reason it did not seem to reach all families. I apologise for this and I'm still not sure what happened to prevent this.
Here is a copy of what I sent.
Dear Families,
Today at school, we had a discrete lockdown where the students remained inside for approximately 45 minutes.
This was because the police were attending to an incident in Centre Road and as a precaution, we decided to take this course of action.
There was no danger to any staff or students during this time.
Once the police informed us that the incident was resolved, we concluded the lockdown.
Given our commitment to the safety of all students, we decided it was better to err on the side of caution in this instance.
I commend the staff and students for the way in which they responded.
Enjoy your weekend.
Please know that we have child safety at the forefront of decisions we make which include locking of the school gates during school hours.
Parent Education Evening: "Helping Me Help My Child's Wellbeing"
Maria Ruberto is a clinical psychologist with over 23 years experience. Her application of psychology is anchored by research in neuroscience and brain function – and framed by the science of optimism. Maria is delivering an educational session for all our St James parents on the evening of Thursday 16th November 7.00pm - 8.30pm here in the Community Centre.
School Production Video
For those families who have ordered a USB from Statefright Productions, an email was sent out from on the 30th October in regards to the amended second file of the concert (St James PS_02). Please check your spam/junk folder if you purchased a USB and haven't seen the email. You will need to follow the instructions in the email to download the new link - this link is only active for two more weeks. If you have any questions you can contact Stagefright directly or speak to Michelle in the office.
Parish Fete Raffle Tickets
Congratulations to the families who won the Sellers Prize draw for all books returned sold. $50 voucher - Kim family - Ben and Elisha
$50 voucher - Woods family - Olivia
Thank you to the 210 families who have returned their books sold or unsold.
Please return all books by this Wednesday 15 November.
With half of all ticket sales being given to our P & F, we have accumulated over $1 600 towards St James' funds so far.
Parish Fete Support Volunteering
Just a reminder that it is an expectation that all families contribute at least one hour volunteering to help out at the fete. This may be set up (bump in), during the fete, or pack up on the Sunday (bump out).
You can sign up via the attached roster link.
St John's Parish Community Fete 2023
School Advisory Council
Next and final meeting for the year is on Tuesday 28 November at 6.15pm.
With a few members moving on after their three years on the SAC, we are calling for new members from our school community to join.
We usually meet 6 - 8 times a year 6.15 - 8.00pm. If you are interested please email me
School Closure Day Friday 17 November
The staff will be onsite working with Maria Ruberto in the morning and commencing 2024 Big Picture planning in the afternoon.
We have organised for Camp Australia to offer day care for students but so far the interest is very low. Unless they get a minimum of 8 enrolled students they will need to cancel the care. Please register your children by this afternoon if you wish or need to use this service. Often part days eg: mornings are useful.
Today our Prep to Year 4 students had a very successful start to the Swimming program. A big thank you to parents for your support with preparing your child. A friendly reminder that no videos or photos are permitted to be taken at the pools. As a part of our Child Safe Standards, parents are not permitted to enter the change rooms with their child. Knox Lesiureworks welcomes parents feedback. Your questions or comments can be emailed to Anita Dell'Orso who will pass your communication on the coordinator.
P&F Help!
Please refer to the P & F Newsletter page for more information on how you can assist this marvellous group.
Did you know?
Congratulations to Lexi T. (5S), Chloe M. (5S) & Grace B. (4B) for their amazing performances with the Australian Girls Choir at Hamer Hall on Sunday, 12th November.
All the girls shone on stage!
Enjoy a great week ahead!