From the Principal

Hello everyone, this week we celebrated Education Support week with a morning tea to say thank you for the work all ES staff do to ensure each day runs smoothly. Education Support include staff in the office, sick bay, attendance, food technology, inclusion, wellbeing, hands on learning, maintenance and technicians in Science and IT. Staff were also recognised for their years of service to Mornington Secondary College. Thank you for the work you do and your commitment to our Mornington Secondary College community. 


Today is a professional learning day for all staff. Teachers will work with Sara Wiggins from Knowledge Society where they will participate in Classroom Mastery. You may have viewed this on the 7.30 report, when they visited Rosebud Secondary College last year.  The philosophy behind classroom mastery is to ensure a calm and orderly classroom environment. The staff at Mornington Secondary College have been using the techniques in all Yr 7 classes and it is now part of the daily routine. From next week, we will begin the process at all year levels. The focus will be on the entry and exit routines of each class, to ensure a consistent approach. Staff will also use a ‘cue to start’. This reminds students to stop what they are currently working on and focus on a different task or listen to the teacher.  


‘Have a Say’ days are now complete, except at Yr 7. It was great to listen to the views of students. This will be shared with staff at a staff meeting and at year level assemblies. We have begun the Attitudes to School survey. Each year students from Grade 4 are asked to complete the survey. The survey is conducted online with the focus being on Learning and Experience at school. The surveys are conducted so each student completes their own survey, and it is about the individuals’ feelings, not what anybody else is feeling. Staff and leadership analyse the results once they are collated and use this information to plan for future curriculum and/or programs. The results will also be shared with the student body in forums and during CONNECT. 


I hope you have a wonderful week. Thankyou for your ongoing support. 









Linda Stanton


Important Dates

Term 2


Friday 17th May - Staff Professional Development Day - Student free

Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th May - Year 7 Camp - The Summit



Tuesday 4th June - Year 12 TRAG Excursion

Thursday 6th to Friday 14th June - Year 10 and 11 Mid Year Exams

Monday 10th June - King's Birthday - Public Holiday

Monday 17th June - Semester 2 Begins

Tuesday 18th June - Year 12 GAT

Thursday 20th to Friday 21st June - Year 12 Outdoor Ed Snow Camp

Friday 21st June - SMR Cross Country - Ballam Park

Tuesday 25th June - 2025 Course Information Evening - 5.00 to 7.00pm

Thursday 27th June - Year 12 Fancy Dress Evening - Frankston Arts Centre

Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term 2 - 2.30pm Dismissal


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Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents. 

Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.


Middle School

**A Week in Review: Engaging Activities and Visits at Our School**


Dear Parents and Guardians,


I hope this newsletter finds you well. I wanted to share some highlights from my recent observations in various classes and activities within our school, which have been both enjoyable and enlightening.


In Year 7, I had the pleasure of watching students create beautiful Mother’s Day cards and notes. They were skillfully cutting out tiles and arranging them on coloured paper. In their Japanese class, they took this a step further by writing messages in Japanese, showcasing their language skills and creativity.


Our Year 8 Science students have been diving deep into the fascinating world of cells and organelles. They are currently preparing to create detailed models of cells as part of their Performance Task. It’s wonderful to see their enthusiasm and dedication to understanding these fundamental biological structures.


In Year 9 English, students are exploring language techniques, focusing on ethos, pathos, and logos. They are learning how to apply these rhetorical strategies effectively, which will greatly enhance their persuasive writing and critical thinking skills.


This week, we also had the pleasure of welcoming students from our feeder primary schools, Mornington Park Primary and Osborne Primary. Our Year 11 PE class took the lead in supervising the visiting students during a series of tabloid sports activities. After completing eight different activities, everyone enjoyed a well-deserved sausage sizzle.

Year 11 students ready to supervise the Primary Schools at Tabloid Sports
Year 11 students ready to supervise the Primary Schools at Tabloid Sports
Dream Catchers welcome Year 7 students to Year 12 class
Dream Catchers welcome Year 7 students to Year 12 class
Dream Catchers welcome Year 7 students to Year 12 class
Dream Catchers welcome Year 7 students to Year 12 class

A real highlight was witnessing the caring and supportive manner of our senior students. They patiently explained and demonstrated the games to the younger students, fostering a wonderful atmosphere of mentorship and collaboration.


Thank you for your continued support. It's been a fantastic week full of learning, creativity, and community spirit.


Best regards,




Denise Leggett

Middle School Assistant Principal




Senior School

To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,


I trust everyone has enjoyed their week after making the lives of their mothers a little bit special last weekend. As we approach the mid-point of the term in a few days, we are starting to gather a real sense of how students have been performing in their classes. The latest progress reports are now available for students and families to view and reflect on. To find them easily, just login to Compass (displays better in a web browser than the app) and look for the reports tab. An example of a progress report is below. There is time for students to adjust their learning behaviours before they sit their mid-year exams (Year 10s-11s) or finish their unit 3 coursework (Year 12s)

On a student and public safety note I would like to remind our community of the following matters.


Leaving school grounds/not being in scheduled classes. 


Schools have a duty of care for all students. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds for any reason without permission provided in writing or via Compass online consent (camp, excursion etc). Students found out of bounds/truant/roaming or returning from the afore-mentioned activities face consequences including supervised lunchtime detentions, withdrawal from the yard during breaks, after-school detentions and potentially suspensions for repeated breaches (for failing to comply with reasonable instructions). In general, a minute of missed learning, is a minute that needs to be made up. We cannot exercise our duty of care if students are a) not on school grounds and b) not in the scheduled class. 




Secondly, I have received some reports of students riding e-scooters to school and on school grounds. Victorian road rules state that e-scooters can not be used by people under the age of 16, must wear helmets, not ride of footpaths and have restrictions about who can use one based on the speeds capable of the e-scooter. I’ve included a link to the VicRoads website for further information.


VicRoads information about E-Scooters


At Mornington SC, we don’t permit bikes, skateboards, scooters etc on any paths inside the school grounds. These transportation devices can be stored in the bike shed though and we encourage any form of active transport as an alternative to driving to school (if possible) for our young people.


Next Week – Information coming about exams (6th June-14th June)


I’ll have more information about our year 10 and 11 mid-year exams next week including the launch of our Exam Navigator which will provide all the information students and families need to know about those exams.


Have a great weekend!


Kind regards,




Nick Evans

Senior School Assistant Principal




Year 10 Careers Expo

Year 10 students attended the Victorian Careers Show at the Melbourne Show Grounds on Thursday 16th May.


Exhibitors ranged from the Australian Defence Force to TAFE’s, universities and more.

Students had the opportunity to ask questions about different career pathways from people in specific industries including education, Victorian Police Force, and Ambulance Victoria just to name a few.


Many of the stalls had interactive activities for the students to engage in, some with great prizes to win, many students coming away with lots of goodies! The Defence Force area had a few VR stations set up with a flight simulator, sub simulator, and a rocket launcher simulator.


The Careers Show is always a great day out for our Year 10’s providing them with insight into prospective pathways whether that might be further education, apprentice or traineeships, or directly into the workforce.


The students who attended proved that Mornington Secondary College students are the best that we could ask for as teachers, and it was a privilege to see them all talking and interacting with the different vendors and opportunities.

Jen Rolls

Year 10 Coordinator, on behalf of the Year 10 Team

Come and see our fantastic aerobics teams in action!

Monday – 20th May – the MSC Aerobics Squad will be putting on a display afternoon as both a fundraising event and to assist with their upcoming competitions. 


It would be great to see staff there supporting the teams. 



Monday 20th May 4.15pm to 4.45pm 

Robert Herbert Gym

Gold Coin Donation

RSVP Link: Click Here

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