The Adventures of Frankie & Ash

School Support Dogs 

I am very sorry to have to report that we (me and Ash) have had to involve the Labrador Union in a Very Sorry state of affairs that is very very unfair.


Apparently this weekend hoomans are taking part in something called Easter that involves Chocolate and Buns.  Apparently labradors are not allowed to have Chocolate OR Buns.


This is a gross miscarriage of justice.  Mum says they will make us very sick and Mum and Dad will not like picking up after us in the garden if we have Chocolate or Buns.  

I think she is telling porkies so she and Dad can have them all to themselves.


There has been talk of Beach, Park, Car Trip  and Treats to make up for it, but we're not easily bought like that.   We might go along with it just to let them think we agree, but we definitely are Very Very Unhappy.  


Watch this space.


That is all.

Frankie & Ash 


Me and Ash at the Dog Wash because one of us rolled on a stinky dead bird. It was not me.
Me and Ash at the Dog Wash because one of us rolled on a stinky dead bird. It was not me.