From our Technology Captains

Hey all, let us introduce ourselves. We are Marko Nikodinovski and Dylan Holmes, your technology captains.
We have a few quick things to announce for the end of this term:
This is a final call for all year 12 students who have a BYOD device, to please go to IT and get it reimaged with the school software.
The internet will very soon stop working for all students who use a BYOD device that has not been reimaged, due to a network upgrade put in place to increase the overall performance of the internet whilst at school. Sadly, for all students who have not done this yet, this will involve your laptop being wiped – so please backup all your data that isn’t on OneDrive, before submitting your laptop to be reimaged.
We also highly recommend younger year levels (9-11) who may have a BYOD device to prepare for their device to be reimaged – IT should call you in individually to ensure that the process is conducted smoothly.
This is an unavoidable change that comes with both increasing the performance of the school Wi-Fi, and increasing laptop and network security whilst at school, and we apologise for the inconvenience.
What, you may ask, does wifi have to do with the school Windows image? Basically put, the only way we can deploy these user certificates, devices certificates, new certificates as a student progresses from one year level to another, as well as new software and features to Windows is by using the School Windows Image. What this means for the student body is that any devices not using the School Windows Image will not be able to attach to the school network, and thus have no internet access, no printing etc.
Here is a document from IT explaining the advantages of employing a standardised windows image for the school, which I advise any inquiring student or parent read to understand both the school security, and the changes that are taking place:
We would like everyone with an IT query to please stop messaging in KT&Me, as it floods the channel with questions that Ms Terry is either unequipped or doesn’t have the time to find an answer for. There are support channels in place for students to pose questions about the school's IT, and they are listed as follows:
If you would like to ask a question to your technology captains (about anything from use of technology with learning, to IT) and don’t need to create an IT ticket, please email us at:
We will answer questions to the best of our ability, and if we are unable, forward your queries to the relevant people.
If you would like to create an IT ticket, to get help with any problems or pose queries to IT themselves, please email
Otherwise, please come by and see IT in person.