Neurodiversity week 


18th - 24th March, 2024



Thank you so much to everyone who celebrated Neurodiversity week with us. It was so wonderful to get the awesome feedback from parents and students during the week. Some students were surprised to learn that some of their favourite celebrities are neurodiverse and celebrating it!  


Some of the wonderful posters are below: 

I also presented to the students at their house assembly last Friday. Presentation is attached below just in case you missed my compass post.  This also resonated with a number of students who came to chat with me about it during the week. I presented a neurodiversity presentation to staff also. 


Our students completed some wonderful activities during the week and here are some photos below. 


We enjoyed dressing up last Wednesday.  'What makes you, YOU" was our theme and it was awesome!


Thank you all again for supporting all our wonderful students, not just this week but every week!  Let's keep talking & learning.


Louise McLean

Disability Inclusion Manager 

18th - 24th March, 2024

What is Neurodiversity Celebration Week?

Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported by providing schools, universities, and organisations with the opportunity to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent, while creating more inclusive and equitable cultures that celebrate differences and empower every individual.

Bundoora Primary School are proud to celebrate Neurodiversity! Look out during that week for some posters around the school advertising famous people who are Neurodivergent, some might surprise you! 


On Wednesday 20th March we will be celebrating and asking all our students to wear their favourite colour or outfit -"What makes  you, YOU!"

There will be a number of activities in the classrooms during the week also. If you'd like to get involved at home please see this fabulous website that is packed full of wonderful resources.



Warmest Regards

Louise McLean 

Disability Inclusion Manager