Grade 3

3A Ms. Susan Winter

3B Ms. Janine Ceola

Education Support: Anastasia Dimartino,  Kim Fong 


It has been a wonderful first term and it is hard to believe it is nearly over. We wish you all a fabulous holiday break and look forward to seeing the students back next term.



The students have been learning about mental maths strategies to use for both addition and subtraction.  These include the jump strategy, the compensation strategy and the partition strategy. They have also been learning how to solve both vertical addition and subtraction.  It was wonderful that many parents were able to attend the open classroom session and play  Maths games with their children. The children were very excited to have their parent/s join them in the classroom.



We are completing our Talk for Writing narrative unit where we learned about the story of the Stone Trolls; the trolls were warned not to go out at night or they would turn into stone.  Students have been writing their own warning tale and it is fantastic to see many of them using dialogue, prepositions and more adjectives in their writing. Ask them to tell you about their warning tale!



In our wellbeing lessons students have started learning about personal strengths. Students have identified their own character strengths and are learning about their peers’ as well.  We are also learning about personal challenges and students are identifying skills and strengths they wish to develop. This includes looking at factors that contribute to positive relationships with people at school, home and in the community. We have really enjoyed having conversations celebrating our unique strengths and differences. 



In Discovery, we have just started to look at the communities in which we live and are exploring the concept of continuity and change by asking ourselves the questions: How has our community changed? How has our community stayed the same? Soon we will be looking at what community and cultural groups we belong to. This topic will continue through to the beginning of next term before we start our new topic on Celebrations and Commemorations